The Curse Of The Crying Baby Painting ( Based On Real Events )

The Crying Baby painting Sure we all like good paintings especially if it’s about pure feelings but not all paintings are pure but have a bad or cursed story behind them this is our story today for the one of scary stories about painting and its cursed.

So are you ready????

Let’s Go……………

The story of the crying baby painting:

Giovanni Bragolin or (Bruno Amadeo,Angelo Bragolin)

  • It is a widely spread painting around the world, drawn by the Italian artist (Giovanni Bragolin). In 1969, on a hot, dusty day in Madrid, Amadeo known (as Giovanni Bragolin) was about to finish painting one of his paintings when he heard staccato sobbing in the street below his studio. When he looked from the balcony he saw a boy in rags sitting outside a nearby tavern crying. The painter called the boy and asked him about the problem, so he looked at him silently and was still crying.
  • Amadeo, pitying the boy, took him to his workshop, fed him, and then painted a portrait of him. After that, the boy visited him repeatedly and drew many portraits of him. Throughout those visits, the boy did not stop crying or say a word.

  • Shortly after his first encounter with the boy, the painter was visited at his home by a local priest who was clearly in a state of confusion. The priest had seen the artist's portrait of the boy and told him his name was Don Bonello and that he had fled to wander the streets after seeing his father charred to death when a fire consumed their house. The priest advised the painter not to do more for the sake of the boy because wherever he went, the fire would follow him. Amadeo was horrified by the fact that a religious and God-fearing man advised him to turn his back on a weak orphan boy. In the end, the painter ignored the priest's advice and adopted the boy shortly thereafter. In the following months, many copies of the portrait were sold on a large scale throughout Europe, and the painter became very wealthy. The painter and the boy are said to have led a comfortable life thanks to the success of the painting. Everything went well until the painter returned home one day to find that his house and studio had been burned to the ground. As a result, the artist's life was destroyed, and soon the finger of blame was pointed at the boy Bonello, who was accused by the painter of arson in his house. However, the boy ran away from the house and was never seen again.

  • Amadeo himself never heard of the boy again. But one day in 1976, the news spread of a terrible car accident that occurred in a suburb of Barcelona. It appears that the car hit a concrete wall while it was going at a crazy speed, turning into a ball of fire. Inside the wreckage, the body of the driver was so burnt and mutilated that it was difficult to identify him. However, part of his driver's license, which was in the glove compartment of the car, was recovered. It turned out that the driver was a nineteen-year-old man and his name was Don Bonello. Shortly after the accident, there were many press reports of strange fire incidents in many parts of Europe. The strange irony is that no records were found in Barcelona indicating the death of a young man by the name of Don Bonello in a car accident. He also found no records of an artist whose house was burnt down by the name of Bruno Amadeo, Giovanni Bragolin, or even Franco Civil. Even assuming that there is a person named Don Bonello and that he is the model that was used in painting the painting of the crying boy, this alone is not sufficient to answer any of the questions regarding the curse that was associated with the painting. Many must have noticed that the portraits attributed to Amadeo, in which he depicted crying children, are of children of different ages and features. Bonello may or may not be one of them. It is said that there are twenty-eight different images and they all bear the same name, the crying boy.

  • But all this did not affect the popularity of the story. Rather, it spread like flames at the beginning of the twenty-first century, thanks to the spread and vogue of the Internet. And the stories of the crying boy began to appear in several other parts of the world as far away as Brazil and Japan. In 2006 a group of Dutch students founded a fan club for the crying boy. Their goal was to collect copies of the twenty-eight known paintings and put them on a website they created for this purpose. But the sad thing is that the site quickly disappeared, and no one knows what happened to its owners. There is a possibility that they will now join the legend of the curse, although they may have grown up and learned that there are other things in life that are more useful and useful. Today, it is said that the reason for the paintings' survival from fire accidents is due to the nature of the materials used to make them. It is customary to reproduce paintings that are usually produced in large numbers by printing them on strong surfaces to meet the requirements and conditions of the factory. In the case of the crying boy, the panels were made of chipboard, a material most fire experts agree is difficult to ignite, though not entirely impossible. So, it has been proven that images can burn, but with difficulty. As a result, it became possible to explain the presence of some intact images at the scene of the fire. The only part of the story of Don Bonillo and Bruno Amadeo that can be definitively verified is that in Spain there is a city called Madrid and another called Barcelona. Accordingly, the only trace left of the crying boy's story is a mere pile of ash.


The curse of the crying baby painting didn’t end here:

  • On September 4, 1985, the British newspaper, The Sun, published that many houses were burned in Britain, and the common denominator among them was the painting of the crying child, which was untouched by any damage caused by the fire. A firefighter from Yorkshire claims that unburned copies were found in a large number of burnt homes. He added that no firefighter would allow this painting to enter his house. In the following months, The Sun and several other tabloids published a series of investigations into people who owned the painting and had their homes burned down.

The End:

In my opinion not the first time read about something like this and many other stories about cursed paintings will be shared but what happened or what is behind it some of them are without solutions and others got solved but they all have some spots together as they all connected with a bad sad story and this be the reason to curse it.

So believe me if you want to get a special drawing search behind it first before losing someone you love.

If have any opinions sure can share them with me in a comment.

Best Wishes For The Next Topic.


  1. Anonymous1/01/2023

    Wow.Nice article again😉 I enjoy reading your articles😘

    1. I'm here to share knowledge, and I will do my best always to make good articles consistently, thanks for your comment.

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