The Deep Kola Well, The Deepest Hole In The Earth


We live on earth yes right but have you ever thought about what under this ground we living on is it empty or does have another life there These questions my friends usually in a scientist’s brain and thinking about it.

But did we do something to know about these answers?

Let me in this article show you the story of one of many who try to understand it, but it didn’t work well as it must be and the project shut down.

So are you ready to go on a trip in a time and place?

The deep Kola well:

  • The Russian deep Kola well, or what is known as kola superdeep borehole, abbreviated KSB: is a very deep well, or it can be said that it is a very deep hole. The location of well is located in the northwest of Russia or what was known as the former Soviet Union.
  • The stated primary goal of this project, which was considered the largest of its kind, is to explore the Earth's crust at the deepest point a person can reach, and what might result from this discovery in terms of subsequent studies of the Earth and its composition.
  • The beginnings of the Kola well project were in 1962 when the Soviet Union at that time commissioned the Joint Scientific Council for the Study of the Earth to start implementing the Kola well.
  • In 1965, the site where the drilling process will be carried out was determined, which is the site that we referred to earlier
  • After preparing the necessary equipment, such as crushers and excavators specially made for this project, completing all logistical equipment, and providing the necessary financing, drilling began on the twenty-fourth of May 1970.
  • The original goal of the Kola well project was to drill up to 15,000 meters in depth, and indeed, work was going on in full swing to achieve this.
  • The Soviets had what they wanted On July 6, 1979, the Soviets broke the record for the Americans, as they crossed the depth of the American Bertha Rogers borehole located in Oklahoma, which was 9.583 meters.
  • Drilling operations continued their course, reaching 12,000 thousand meters in the year 1983, and reaching this unprecedented depth through the earth's crust called for great celebrations from the Soviet Union.

  • Therefore, work on the project stopped for a year, as the work site received visits from many politicians, scholars, media professionals, and celebrities alike.
  • Stopping for a year and the slow progress of work led to the occurrence of what was not taken into account. On the twenty-seventh of September 1984, after the drilling reached 12.066 meters, there was a fall of five thousand meters of soil into the drilled well.
  • This disappointing event set back the drilling plan, so the curators were forced to start again with drilling from the level of seven thousand meters, to come back and reach 1989 a depth of 12,262 meters, with a hole of 23 meters in diameter.
  • The schedule set for drilling stipulated that the depth would reach 13,500 meters at the end of 1990 and 15,000 meters in 1993, so they had reached the desired goal.
  • Unfortunately, drilling stopped in 1992 at 12,262 meters, for reasons that I will present to you in the context of the article, and one of them will shock you.
  • This depth, which the Soviets reached, made the well the deepest hole in the ground from 1989 to 2008.
If the drilling stopped at a depth of 12,262 meters, and of course, the earth overflowed with what it was hiding, then what do you think they have discovered, my friends?

The most important discoveries of the Kola well:

  • At a depth of 9,450 meters, sites rich in gold and pure diamonds were discovered, and huge quantities of methane gas were also found during the depth of drilling, which surprised scientists.
  • As it is assumed that there is no existence of anything vital, which prompted them to reconsider the theory of the biological origin of oil and gas.
  • The other puzzling thing was the discovery of groundwater at such abysmal depths, which was considered impossible
  • Whereas, previous studies indicated that the maximum extent to which groundwater can be found is five thousand meters, with difficulty.
  • What about the water that was found at a depth of 12,000 meters? Scientists attributed this matter to the fact that the origin of the water was from the minerals of the deep earth’s crust, which could not reach the surface of the earth because of rocks that are impermeable to water.

  • I will add to your hair the discovered beta water was of a very high temperature, why? We'll know later!!!
  • At a depth of seven thousand meters, microscopic fossils known as plankton were found for 24 species of living organisms, marine plants, and single-celled cells that had been dead for a long time!!
  • During the drilling, large quantities of mud came out, and, remarkably, this mud was saturated with hydrogen, which prompted scientists to describe it as mud boiling with hydrogen.
  • This is well that enabled scientists to know what was happening on the earth 2.5 billion years ago through the discovered rocks and the extracted minerals, which are estimated to be 2.5 billion years old.
  • Also, what has been discovered during the excavation of fossils indicated that life on the planet had begun more than 1.5 billion years ago.

What is the strangest discovery in the Kola deep well:

  • The blade of the strangest thing that was discovered, listen carefully, at a depth of between 3 thousand to 4 thousand meters, scientists extracted it, raised with a specific intention, so do you know what it is?
  • The scientists in charge of the project asked the astronauts of a Soviet spaceship to bring a sample of lunar soil, that is, soil from the surface of the moon, and compared it with soil extracted from the depths of the earth.
  • The results of the two samples were completely identical, which reinforced the hypothesis that the moon and the earth were one thing at some time.

Why did the drilling stop:

  • The main reason for stopping drilling in the deep Kola well, according to those in charge of the project, was the very high temperatures, which exceeded the expectations of those who prepared the necessary studies before starting drilling.
  • According to scientists, the temperature was expected to reach a maximum of 100 degrees Celsius, but with the arrival of drilling to a depth of 12,262 meters, the temperature reached 180 degrees Celsius, which is a temperature that the machines used cannot bear, which means that new mechanisms must be used or developed to bear this temperature, which will raise costs to more than specified funding.
  • Do you now know what the boiling hot water was and where did the boiling mud come from?
  • Another reason for stopping the research is the change in the rocks during the deepening of the excavation, as the rocks began to turn into something like reinforced plastic, which made it difficult to complete the excavation process
  • These rocks are the unearthed water that occurred from coming out to the Earth's surface
  • The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 led to the cessation of funding, and thus the project stopped working
  • The project was officially closed in 2005 and the research equipment was sold as scrap to be returned from the pit in 2008 and sealed with a heavy iron lid that could not be opened.

But what were the voices that he heard and still hears the locals?

Kola Well Sounds:

  • The people of that area swear that they hear sounds such as screams resulting from torture coming out from under the lid. They even called the lid the lid of the well of hell, so the well of Kola was called by that name.
  • This brings us to one of the reasons for stopping the Cola well, which I told you will shock you.
  • When it was announced that the work had stopped in the pit, the first explanation that was put forward in public was that the workers on the project heard screams coming from the depths of the earth's crust, so they stopped work immediately.
  • To start from this point, the various types of stories and legends that have been woven around this site, so that we can get to know them together.
  • As I told you previously, there are many of the same legends about the Kola well, perhaps the most prominent of which is the claim that scientists sent down, during drilling, highly sensitive microphones, so that they might be able to hear the movement of the layers of the earth.
  • But what shocked them was the observation of strange voices and the screams of millions of tortured people, as they described them at the bottom of the earth.
  • What confirmed these allegations is what the Finnish and Swedish newspapers headlined in bold under the title The Russians released the Devil from Hell, so the Kola well as the most dangerous hole in the world.

  • Others claimed that they saw ghostly spectra of bats inside the hole, so they considered it a message from another world, specifically from the world of hell and its inhabitants, so the matter shocked them and prompted them to stop digging immediately.
  • If you are claiming that these are accounts not supported by any of the scholars, then you are wrong because in an article published by the Finnish newspaper Amesta about the Kola crater, in which it hosted the director of the geologist project, Dr. Dmitry Izakov.
  • Izakov confirmed the validity of these claims about the sounds of the Kola well, and the geologist was stunned after they drilled several kilometers deep into the earth's crust.
  • Another novel was promoted by Norwegian school teacher Age Rindalen, in which he claimed that bat-like creatures emerged from the hole so that the news spread on the media and social communication like wildfire.
  • Attached to the audio recording obtained by scientists from sensitive microphones is strange!
  • But what, in your opinion, was the response of the Russian scientists responsible for the Kola well project? Simply, the scientists did not confirm the occurrence of any of these allegations, but rather confirmed the audio recording and attributed it to him as sounds of the movement of the layers of the earth.

Some stories say that drilling in the Kola well stopped immediately after this recording, so why do you think they heard there?

In The End:

This, my friends, is all the information about the Kola well, which raised the suspicion of the residents of the area around it. But what about their claims? Could what the geologist and Norwegian school professor mentioned be true? It was kept secret until what only God knows.

And what about the intent of the Soviet counterparts when they accused them of having unleashed the devil, and why the drilling operations in the Kola well were not completed, despite all the scientific and technological development we are witnessing around us, no one knows.

Sure I will be waiting for your comments my friends to tell me what you think and why, and if there are any topics want to know about it sure tell me.

Best Wishes For The Next Topic


  1. Anonymous2/24/2023

    Russia certainly has some incredible scientists and a amazing spirit of adventure. My hat's off to everyone involved in exploring our earth's depths.thanks for sharing the knowledge with the world.

    1. you are welcome, I will always share truth and knowledge, Thanks for your comment

  2. Anonymous2/24/2023

    Thank you for sharing this valuable information with us.

    1. you are welcome, Thanks for your comment and support

  3. Anonymous2/24/2023

    I want to know about Catacombs of Paris.Can you write an article about it?

    1. I will make it in the new article, so I wait for your opinion after reading it, and if there is any other topic want to know about it too please tell me, Thanks for your comment

    2. Anonymous2/25/2023

      Thank you for sharing.Actually I want to visit it.🤗

    3. you are welcome if have something else want to know about it please tell me and I will make it in an article, Thanks for your comment and your support

    4. Anonymous2/27/2023

      Yes Chapel of Bones Portugal 🤗

    5. okay wait the next article i hope you like it

  4. Anonymous2/28/2023

    جميل هذه المقالات احب مقالتك وأسرارها اشكرك كثيرا

    1. thanks for your comment and support

  5. Anonymous2/28/2023

    Thañck you very good like you

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