Finally The Revealing The Real Reason For Building The Pyramids

Welcome my friends What will be your answer if I ask you why ancient humans built the pyramids around the world?

Sure will be your answer: ”because to be graves for the kings”.
 It is the wrong answer today will show you the theory to change your look at these pyramids.
Are you ready ?????????

Let’s travel to the land of magic Egypt………….

The Egyptian Pyramids :

The Egyptian Pyramids And Sphinx 

  •  Only Egypt has 140 pyramids around all Egypt and the basic idea for these pyramids is graves for the kings but this theory was wrong because in the new age there is a new theory that says it’s for something else something more important than graves.
  • Because if we see king Sneferu he made three pyramids and didn’t put in any one of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       If pyramids were made to be graves, why did the giant pyramids of Giza not have any dead bodies, or wrote on walls dead pray for a dead person like in other graves in Egypt?

The Theory says:

( they made these pyramids to be big towers to send power from electricity to all other the earth ).

Don’t panic yet wait to explain to you what I say.

Draw Show When Was Pyramids White and From Top Gold

  • another picture show
    In 1999, the Egyptian government wanted, to celebrate the New Year with paint a giant pyramid with lime material but this project stopped because they said they were afraid for anything to destroy it, the real story were going to use helicopters to do that, and if these machines became near pyramids with making vibrations who will activate the pyramids.

Strange right !!!!!!!!!

And these things start to make scientists see something that everyone was trying to climb the pyramids was feeling strange power go throw their body without reason and feel pain in their arms and legs or feel a small electric shock.

 The First Story By Sir Carl Wilhelm Siemens :

  • Sir Carl Wilhelm Siemens
     This man said while he was in Egypt in 19 century he went climbing the giant pyramid of Giza,
    and after he climbed it wanted to celebrate so he had a bottle of wine,
  • while he was opening it felt an electric shock so he covered it with paper and while was trying to drink he saw electric sparks around it,
  • so one person from the people who were with him got scared so run to him to take a bottle from him but one time he was struck with electricity but a big one threw him from power.

Now you ask yourself if the pyramids were power towers but how were they working?

  • Sure we know gold is one of the best metals that conducts electricity so let me tell you in the past upper part of the pyramids and obelisk was made from gold and was stolen after that.
  • This lime material covered all Egyptian pyramids and made them look like the sun from far but not for just this but to make pyramids cold from the inside!!!!!!!
  • The new scientists discovered that the walls inside the pyramids were made from a metal called (  Dolomite an anhydrous carbonate mineral composed of calcium and magnesium carbonate ) this metal was working like conducting electricity inside closed places.
  • And lands were made from radiant marble made from quartz and metals this quartz is a material that if have hard vibrations will make electricity, and this makes us remember when the government wanted to cover the pyramids with lime with helicopters.

Now understand why they stopped it……….

The Second Discovery Inside The Giant Pyramid of Giza :

  • In 1993, the government said they discovered a hidden room inside the pyramid so Dr. Zahi Hawass asked from discovery channel robot to make it enter this room and see what was there but they didn’t show us !!!!!!!!!

  • The Giant pyramids tunnel 

But one from team said they saw small tacks and cables made from copper !!!!!

So if you look there is the building that conducts electricity ( Gold ) and the dielectric materials ( lime), and cables from copper which bring power out pyramids, but from where comes electricity to make it work or from where come this electricity?

  • New discovery shows us that there are small tunnels under the pyramid for big rooms to make Hydroelectric but this needs water from where comes water in this desert
  • Wadi Al-Jarf Papyri
  • same papyri

    If we back to historical books will find the Nile was near the pyramids and there was a new discovery in 2013 they discovered The Wadi al-Jarf Papyri was written by An architect named Merir who worked with his team to make these tunnels to bring water from the Nile to under the pyramids.
  • Maybe you don’t understand this well let me go back to a basic year in 1905, Nicola Tesla the scientist we talked about it in the post before brings for world Tesla tower that made free energy from magmatic electricity
    Tesla Tawer For Free Energy

    this discovery was made to look like pyramids in look,  and when he wanted to make it around the world to make free energy he made it in Latitude and longitude charts for the pyramids strange because Tesla never saw the pyramids or he saw,  what do you think?

  • same Tesla Tower

So if we said all this right then in what the ancient Egyptian used this power or where is the evidence that shows us they had this power?

There is more than one piece of evidence :

  •  The first of them: is that when scientists discover new tombs, temples, or bots, they do not find traces of the burnt materials resulting from the torches previously.
  • Second: the drawings of the lamps in the Temple of Dender.

  • Dender Draw Show Something Like Lamb
  • Thirdly: the scientists discovered that Tutankhamun's mask was not made of a single piece of gold, but rather of several parts and flesh with something delicate. The scientists suggested that it was the laser.
    The Golden Mask of Tutankhamun
  •  Fourthly: there is a German doctor who confirmed that the ancient Egyptians were performing precise operations on the brain, which must be operated with modern devices or lasers.

  • The Human Brain

At The End :

The World Map Show The Pyramids Round World This Not All of Them

After all this, I would love to tell you all this evidence work in all the pyramids around the world.
So after I show you this you still think they made it graves for kings or they made it for something else bigger?

Sure I would love for you to answer me in the comments and if you like my posts wish you follow me and like them and tell me what topics want me to make a post about it next time.

Best Wishes For Next Topic

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