The Forbidden History ( Night Inside Pyramid )

Welcome my Friends today we going to talk about ancient but something strange about their science in building, maybe you will say what this man says don’t hurry I will tell you everything don’t worry.

We usually know about pyramids but have you ever thought about what will happen if you stay the night inside them?

And in another article will show you the real power of pyramids on the earth we talk about a big number just in Egypt 140 pyramids are known so imagine why all these numbers were made.

And not just some people think what can happen to scientists too but to understand we need to look deeper are you ready?

The first story Napoleon Bonaparte tells us it :

Napoleon while he was in Egypt 

·         In 1798 when Napoleon was in Egypt try many ways without any success knowing about the pyramids once of these ways was to attack them with bombs to make them fall, but in 1799 he decided to enter the giant pyramids by himself, but what happened was strange and scary so let me tell you what happened.

·         He took with him guards and two religious men to enter this pyramid and stay the night inside the king’s room, and he told them to let me stay there alone he stayed 6 hours but when he went out he was scared and sweating and didn’t answer anyone what he saw at this night.

·         And his life changed for the worst started to lose every war he do and at least lose the king’s position.

·         But what was strange there were one of his best friends said: at once he asked him about this night he said:” even if I told you won’t believe me”, but much evidence said he saw his future from losing everything and this is what made him scary.

Strange right………….

Napoleon was not the only one who passed this experience let me tell you other stories.

The second story:

Tunnel Inside The Giant Pyramid, Giza, Egypt

·         20 tourists wanted to stay a night at the giant pyramid, so they took their water and food to stay there.

·         While they were searching tunnels to find a place where to stay they find a hole in the land in the tunnel they go throw it but go where they can’t see, so one of them said I will go down and see what I see and tell you all.

·         And when he put his feet on the land his friends heard a loud scream in the place and the place start to shake so they run and left their friend behind them from them scary.

·         And while they were running out their friend threw in front of them and blood cover his body and while his body was shaking started to say something strange and then he was dead.

Another Tunnel From Giant Pyramid, Giza, Egypt

Scary right but what he said. 

When they went to the police station to close the case, they said before while he die said: “This what deserve all who try to take something not belong to him 

So what this man saw and what he tried to take so this happened to him no one knows this for now maybe !!!!!!!

Scary right………………

The Third Story by Paul Brandon:

·         Mr. Brandon was a writer for supernatural articles in the 80s.

·         At once he decided to stay the night inside the big pyramid, and when he reached the king’s room and was getting ready to sleep in it start feeling his body start to warmer and start to see stuff like ghosts around him after some minutes everything became calm so he starts preparing to sleep again but he didn’t sleep too he saw two priests from ancient Egyptian priests.

Egyptian Priests Prepare Dead Person to Put in Coven

·         These two priests ask him: "who are you and what do you want".

·         He was gonna answer but another priest said: "you know there are many like you who tried the same what you doing now and all of them lost their brain or dead so you have the choice now to leave or stay".

·         He was afraid and scared and didn’t know what to answer but he started to shake his head like no won’t leave.

·         One of the priests disappeared and the other one told him: "you must sleep in The king’s place like ancient Egyptians".

Astral Projection When Soul Out From Body

·         After he did this started to feel like someone carry his body while sleeping on his back he was still in the coven but his soul was flying far from the body !!!!!

·         The priest told him I have a message you must tell to the world: "Pyramids have old knowledge but not all humans are allowed to know it and those who try to reach it with power will be destiny death because not all humans can control this power and knowledge like what happened for the Atlantis king because used wrong destroyed himself and his citizens". 

Atlantis City 

·         And then they left him back to his body to tell us about this experience

Strange right………..

At The End:

No one knows for now what happened there o maybe they know but hide from us anyway there were many stories about this I showed you a small part to let you think about what happened there and really something is happening there or just stories.

I will be happy if you tell me what you think in the comments and follow my blog and tell me what you want to read about it so can make a post about it

Best Wishes For Next Topic.

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