The Big Secret Behind The Most Scary Places Have Ever Seen Area 51 And Silent Zone

Welcome my friends today we will talk about area 51 and silent belt or silent zone as you see in the title sure you know these names but if you don't know why these places are famous let me show you why.

Are you ready ??????

We will travel today to America north and middle in Mexico let's go ........
We will go to the most two secret places on earth no way to go there because will die or be lost forever.

let's start our journey.........

The First Place Area 51, Nevada :

Area 51, Nevada, United States Of  America

Sure you heard about this place from the internet or movies, but why called like this it's back for latitude and longitude on a map. what happened there to make it famous like this if you search will find it is a military place where the USA was testing there them weapons and nuclear weapons but what about the aliens who appeared there with these weapons too or what??????

What if I told you yes it's a place to test weapons but not just for Humans but for Aliens too !!!!!!

Take what I say like sci-faction but let me show you evidence and you decide.

The Front Gate For Area 51

This place was hidden for years no one knows and no one can go there to watch the area from near after many people start searching behind this place they start to see the truth or part of it and start sharing information they start to get to other people on earth that why you know about it now.

For this place, the United States government said it was a military land that why hide and secret.

Let's see together if they say the truth or hide something.

Dr. Boyd Bushman

On 7 August 2013, a scientist called Dr. Boyd Bushman from a company belonging to the united states military called Lockheed Martin, said in a 30-minute video he saw aliens who were living in this area, and the strange thing was he had photos of these things and aliens.

and he said he saw an Alien ship in this place to who was fall at 1947 and knows with Roswell UFO if you search about it or wait till I make a post about it later.

UFO Crash Site, Roswell

He said about Aliens can live to 200 years old, their height is 150 cm, and have 5 fingers like us but are taller than our fingers, and they connect to us with telepathy (meaning with thoughts).
and they came to a far planet distance between their planet and Earth 84 million light years but they take this distance in 45 minutes.

Roswell Dead Alien Body 1950

People thought he lied to them and made this story but Dr.Bushman after talking about these secrets, die secretly without reason in 2014.

scary right ........

Second Story from physicist Bob Lazar :

Dr. Bob Lazar
This man was working in Area 51 in section S4 this man was in an interview in 1989 ( focus on years ), He said saw military columns from Aliens ships in this area and he said aliens were making experiments with the item Moscovium ( is a synthetic element with the symbol Mc and atomic number 115).

Focus on what I will tell you now about this item if we search about it will find they discovered on 2 February 2003 by one Russian scientist and two American scientists and they called it MC 115 !!!!!!!!

So how this man talked about 1989 and they said they discovered it in 2003 ??????

MC 115

This item can make gravity just vanish like Aliens ships fly system. 

as you see much evidence came from scientists but are there any other people who talked about it.

other clues came from presidents let me tell you it :

 Barack Obama on the tv show with Stephen Colbert 
  • In December 2020 Barack Obama on the tv show with Stephen Colbert said that he got many questions about Aliens, and couldn't answer this on tv normally. 

Donald Trump & Donald Trump JR
  • The other one too in 2020 Donald Trump's son asked him when to leave the president will you show people the truth about Aliens he answered mmm need to think about this well before talking about it.
Haim Eshed

  • The ex-military general in the Israelian army Haim Eshed said some Aliens came to Earth and lived with us but said they think humans are not ready yet to show them to us.

As you see many scientists and militaries talked about this but all die or just disappear so who hides the truth and why?

The Second Secret Place The Silent Zone In Mexico :

Silent Zone, Mexico

This place is a desert in Mexico, They are called this because all places like it came from space, not like any desert on earth.

  • The story starts in 1970 when USA Army was trying a rocket and this rocket must pass near this area mean won't enter it and while it passed near it, changed it its way and turned to this desert and fell into it and blow up.
  • while they search it they find lost Apollo rocket who was lost too in this area so USA military said must search this area and see why this rocket fall into it, they send to this area scientists to search this place but the surprise was there is no signal in this area and the equipment stop from working there and there were no animals in this area or birds or something alive !!!!!!!!  

Strange right ........

After many years of study, they find many animals die there without any reason and their bodies save nothing attacked them, and birds same just fell and die without reason too !!!!!!!

Scary .........

  • In 1985 there was a group that went there to study this area for 15 days but after 2 days they can't resist anymore and just back because they all said they got ill in the area and start to see illusions without reason !!!!!! 
  • they said there were many turtles dead in the area there was without reason just turn on back and die.
  • at night they saw strange things in the sky without reason to.

Many groups studied this area and said they felt so tired and dizzy and ill without reason.

  • but they said they saw many crave and inside they saw old sculptures showing there was life in this area but at old age.

Silent Zone, Mexico

Another story says there was a group studying this area and they had a dog with them, but this dog got crazy without reason and the next day this dog just disappear without any clue so strange thing.

All these stories are from people who study this place but what about local people who live in it what do they say about this?

  • First, no people living in it just near the area, and they usually say many times saw strange humans, not because they are ugly no but so beautiful not look like the local people in the area and just ask for water when they just ask them where they came from they answer from top !!!!!!!!
  • Top from where?
  • they said too they saw strange lights and UFOs in the sky at night many times but they don't know what this was.

Strange right, this Area is the same line as Bermuda Triangle and Devil Triangle in the Chinese Sea so what do you think?

Silent Zone, Bermuda Triangle, Devil Triangle

Then the Mexican government saw this place as dangerous so they put a label on it to stop people from entering it.

So what do you think to happen in this area and who are these people who just ask for water and came from where?

At The End :

As we saw these two places have many stories about strange things happening there and many questions about these two places and much evidence about Aliens why do governments hide these things, as I showed you yes there are aliens and we don't know about them any things and how much we connected to them maybe one day we will get the truth or maybe never have it.

So tell me what you think about this topic and tell me which topics want me to talk about it and if you like my articles please like my blogs and follow them I will appreciate this.

Best Wishes For The Next Article 

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