Finally, Solve The Mystery of Time Travel

Welcome my friends today we will take a deep look at time travel and sure will show you some real traveler stories, so are you ready??????

Let’s go ……….

The meaning of time travel:

  • To start talking about this we need to show you what the meaning of time travel is first.
  • Time travel: is a recognized concept in the philosophy of space and time, and time travel is fiction, but travel to a hypothetical point in time has very limited support in theoretical physics, usually in conjunction with quantum mechanics in time travel or the Einstein Rosen Bridge.
  •  Sometimes a broader meaning is united, for example, travel into the future (rather than the past) by time dilation, a phenomenon well established in physics in the theory of relativity, and has been witnessed routinely by astronauts, but only for several years. Fractions of a second, as can be achieved by examining an accurate clock against the clock that remained on the Earth's surface. Time dilation years in the future could be done by taking a round trip during which the movement occurs at the speed of light, but this is not technologically feasible for vehicles today.
  • Time travel theoretically involves traveling back in time to a moment earlier than the point of departure or moving into the future of that point without the traveler having to experience the interval (at least not in the normal range). That is, through a machine or technological device - whether imaginary, virtual or actual - that may be used to achieve time travel, which is known as the time machine.
  • So sure, after showing part of what it means and after we understand what meaning time travel, let’s go deeper into some strange stories we found. 

The first story by a time traveler called Noah:

Noah and clue as he said

In 2018, when came someone calls Noah and said he came from 2030 to 2018 sure will say he is lying but let me tell you he underwent a lie detector test, and he didn't lie.

Noah While He Underwent a Lie Detector Test

Strange right …….

What is stranger is what he said with time let me tell you.

  • It was claimed that in the year 2028 the time travel mechanism, which was invented years ago, will be publicly disclosed. (Remember well that I will explain to you why later).

Musk City on Mars

  • He also claimed that humans will travel to Mars in the same year 2028, the same year that businessman Elon Musk set for the first trip to Mars. stranger !!!!!!!!!
  • He also said that the world will witness a third world war, after which the world will create a unified currency for all.
  •  He also stressed that implanting electronic chips in human brains will become a reality It will be possible for humans to communicate with the computer.
  • He also indicated that aliens would invade the earth and after that humans will make a peace agreement between humans and aliens and that there are some sophisticated and intelligent aliens living among us now.
  • He also said that humans would be able to live in space and underwater as well, not only on land.
  • Now we will talk about the part I told you to remember when he said that government knows the time travel mechanism, which was invented years ago and was hidden.
  • This makes us travel to the Vatican you heard before about the chronovisor machine (keep focus) ………..

The Chronovisor Machine:

The Priest and The Chronovisor

  • Chronovisor in Latin, which means (the vision of time), is a phrase about a machine to see the events of the past. 
  • This strange device appeared for the first time in the writings of the Catholic Christian clergyman Father François Brown in his 2002 book Le nouveau mystère du Vatican (“The Secret of the New Vatican”).
  • In the book, Brown claims that Pellegrino Erniti (1925-1994), an Italian priest and scientist, built the chronovisor. Although Erniti is a real person, the existence of this device has never been confirmed or seen in the Vatican, and according to his claim, this device is hidden in one of the secret places known to senior Vatican men such as the Cardinals and the Patriarch.

The Story Begin:

  • The Chronovisor

    In early 1960, Erniti began to study the writings of François Brown, himself a Romanian priest and author.
  • Erinti allegedly ended up helping Brown build the machine with help from a team of twelve famous scientists.
  • He identified two of them, Enrico Fermi and Werner von Braun, the chronovisor has been described as a large cabinet with a cathode ray tube to display the events received and a series of buttons, levers and other controls for determining the time and location to be viewed. It can also identify and track specific individuals.

  • According to its inventor, it worked by receiving, decoding, and reproducing electromagnetic radiation left over from past events. It can also pick up the acoustic component or sound waves emitted by these same events.

  • He said he had observed, among other historical events, such as the crucifixion of Jesus, and photographed them as well. 
  • A version of this photo appeared in the May 2, 1972 issue of La Domenica del Corriere, Erniti said, an Italian weekly news magazine. However, a near-identical (mirror image) of woodcarving by sculptor Lorenzo Colollot Valera emerged.

Photo For the Jesus and His Friends in Last Friday

  • Using the chronovisor, Erniti said, he witnessed other scenes from the history of Rome, such as the events that took place in 169 BC.
  • The purported existence of the Chronovisor has fueled a whole series of conspiracy theories, such as that the device has been taken over and is being used by high-ranking Vatican men or those who secretly control the governments and economies of nations around the world.

In The End:

I just show you a small part of this side of science but the next articles sure will tell you more stories about this subject and will go together deeper and deeper in basic personal stories about time travel not just with machines but with strange universal affections.

Thanks for reading, I hope you like this small push, and sure if have any questions let me know and tell me what you want to hear about it in the next topics if you like my blog wish you follow me and like my articles to give me a push to keep going.

Best wishes for the next topics.

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