The True Story of Time Traveler Mr. Paul Amadeus Dienach 3906

Welcome my friends to the second story about time travel so be ready to hear about another method of time travel and a strange story from a college professor.

Are you Ready?????????????

We will travel to the year 1921, Let’s go ……….

The Story Beginning:

Chronicles From
The Future

  • Dreaming of a futuristic world requires a lot of creativity and imagination, especially during the beginning of the twentieth century when technological innovation did not exist as it is today.
  • In 1972, a book entitled Chronicle of the Future: The Incredible Story of Mr.Paul Amadeus Dienach was published in Greek.
  • This is based on Mr.Dienach's diaries, which he wrote in detail, in which he dealt with how he lived in the year 3906 after he entered a coma that lasted for a year in 1921.
  • The amount of detail in the book has made many people believe that he lived spiritually in the year 3906 or a distant future world.

Strange Right!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Paul Amadeus Dienach

Mr. Paul Amadeus Dienach was born in Zurich, Switzerland in 1884. Since his childhood, he always dreamed of being a teacher, and for this reason, he persevered in studying to achieve his dream. Later he became a teacher of German and French.

Switzerland in 1921

  • In 1917, Mr.Dienach contracted a mysterious disease called (Encephalitis lethargica), more commonly known as (sleeping sickness) which happens because of Alzheimer's.
  • There was a small epidemic spread throughout Europe with this disease in the period between (1916: and 1924).
  • Those who contracted the disease fell into a coma for a length of time. Some of the unlucky ones never woke up from a coma.

  • Mr.Dienach's illness began spontaneously, sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for days on end. When he wakes up, he never remembers what he was dreaming about.
  • In 1921, his illness worsened, and he fell into a sleep episode for a whole year.
  • During this time, he was constantly monitored at the Zurich Hospital

  • When he woke up in 1922, he discovered that his mother had died of tuberculosis, and he was also diagnosed with tuberculosis, which he probably contracted during his stay in the hospital. As soon as he improved and was discharged from the hospital, he was severely depressed and isolated from the world.
  • He preferred loneliness and quit teaching, but after some time, he decided to move to Greece to return to teaching, where he taught the French language.
  • Mr. George Papachazis
  • Through his teaching work, he became a close friend of one of the students in his class, Mr. George Papachazis.
  • Later, this student became a professor and an important academic and social figure in Greece.
  • In 1924, Mr.Dienach's health condition began to deteriorate, he wanted to return to Switzerland, perhaps feeling his death, and because he had no relatives or family, so he dedicated his diaries to George.
  • Mr.Dienach's only wish was not to share the information inside the diary with anyone else.
  • The student, George, worked on translating the diaries for 14 years, from (1926 to 1940), which consisted of 800 pages.

The Diaries:

  • In these diaries, Mr.Dienach details the strange dream he experienced during his yearlong coma.
  • The strange in these diaries is that the professor said that while he was in a coma, he was not asleep, but moved into the body of another scientist named Andrew Northman, who was living in the year 3906.
  • Said that he met two doctors in the hospital that Northman was in, and he told them about his illness, and they understand his illness easily.
  • So, they start telling him the earth’s future from 21 century above didn’t tell him about 20 century to not change anything when he back to his year.

High level of Technology

  • They told him that from (2000 to 2300) humans populations will be overcrowded, we will reach a high level of technology, and will be so many electronic networks to connect the world, and this will destroy the earth’s natural so will so many environmental problems and this will kill so many living things like animals and planets and even humans from this change.

  • So, it will be marked by bitter nuclear arms races between nations, and soon there will not be enough food for everyone in the world to survive, as wars will turn fertile lands into radioactive wastelands.

  • Mars will be colonized by the year 2204 and a large population of about 20 million people will reside and make a living there.
  • Unfortunately, in the year 2265, a major natural disaster will kill all the colonists and there will be no second attempt to leave our planet for a long time.

nuclear world war

  • Despite the many attempts by various leaders to calm down the volcanic global situation, the world will inadvertently plunge into a global war in the year 2309.
  • Chaos will reign for the next 80 years, leading to great destruction for humans all over the world.
  • Humans will narrowly survive the cataclysm, and finally in the year 2396, the wicked will be several million simple, so all nations will unite to create a world government.
  • The representatives of this government are elected by direct elections and most of them are scientists, engineers, or benevolent human beings.
  • There will be no pollution and they will adopt a new calendar that starts after the heat and will be one year after the war.

The hidden Leader

  • The year 2894, was it very important year, as it witnessed the emergence of a spiritual entity, which confirmed that it was the reason for these extinctions that occurred to humans and that it was trying to do so from ancient times.
  • In the year 3382, humans will be exposed to a strange mutation that will make them control the power of their minds and become superhuman.

  • In the year 3400, A new capital will be established, and the one who will rule the world is a group of intellectuals who will have a unified currency as well (the same thing Noah said in the previous article).
  • it will be a utopia for them, and there will be justice, and they will divide resources fairly among themselves because the number of people on Earth will be less than a billion.
  • And that the number of good people will live in this utopia of 6 million.
  • From the year 3400 to the year 3906, the world will be ruled by a single government made up of thinkers, geniuses, philosophers, and artists. Humans will know more about the sun, the atmosphere, and the history of the universe from billions of years ago. Cities will also be built across different galaxies, and science will make amazing progress.
  • Every person in the world will have free clothes, free food, free housing, free transportation, entertainment, and access to knowledge of all kinds.
  • Regarding working hours, the natural person will have to spend only two years during his life at work from the age of 17 to 19, which allows him to have a lot of free time to pursue creative activities and new sciences during the rest of his life, and there will be no crimes, no law no technology just living in peace.

At The End:

Chronicles From
 The Future
Paul Amadeus Dienach
George tried to publish these diaries, but no one stands with him, and they said he is crazy so stopped him after many years after his death,

in 1972 after people forget this book came someone published it in a hidden way and this book call now (Chronicles From The Future is purported to be the real-life diary of Paul Amadeus Dienach) you can find it on the internet.

But is he saying the truth and if he sees the truth from where came all this information who said and who tried to stop people from knowing this book?

Many questions are without answers but maybe after years appear the truth.

Thanks for reading and I hope you like this topic if have any questions please share them with me and I will answer all if you like my kind posts support me by following and liking I will be glad about that tell me what you want to read about to make a post about it in future.

Best Wishes for the Next Post.

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