Scary Truth About Killer Robots

Welcome my friend we talked before about killer robots and smart intelligence and what can do to humans in another article in this blog and just showed a small part of what can happen if they are out of human control, you can say it’s part from an old article I made before about this topic but can’t say it’s last part because we will make more parts about this.

Today we will talk about hidden information about this topic about real events on this topic so stay focused because will show you government accidents about this top.

Let’s Go………..

The Story of Killer Robots:

  • In February 2018, The Americans Media and news made a spot on the news titled “28 scientists killed by killer robots in 2017”, a strange start but this is what they said what happened, and why it was something so dangerous don’t hurry I will give you all information to answer your all questions.
  • The Journalist Linda Moulton Howe said she got this classified information from a retired military man who still works on contract with the CIA, the National Security Agency, and other security agencies.
  • According to this source, the accident occurred at a Japanese company famous for producing robots. Where 4 robots intended for military purposes killed scientists using firearms.
  • According to the source, the experts at that time were able to stop only two robots and disable the third, but the fourth robot was able to communicate with the private satellite and obtain the necessary information to reprogram itself, what can do after that it runaway by reprogramming itself system?

  • Linda believes that the development of artificial intelligence poses a great danger to humanity, and referred to Elon Musk’s prediction that robots might start World War III.
  • In the same year, 2018, the European Parliament passed a draft resolution calling for an international ban on so-called "killer robots". The BBC reported that the European Parliament sought to anticipate the development and future use of autonomous weapon systems that can carry out killings without human intervention.

  • However, none of the efforts and initiatives succeeded in putting an end to the killer robots, especially since some countries considered the restrictions to prevent the progress of scientific research, especially since robots are used in other fields, and they were singled out in delicate medical and surgical work, and not only in the field of war and killing, as their opponents claim.
  • However, artificial intelligence may become a global security problem if countries allow such weapons, as any information breach could lead to wars decided by computers without the ability to deter or be done late when remorse is useless.
  • And last August, experts from several countries met at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva to discuss ways to identify computer-controlled weapons and how to deal with them, especially with the growing phenomenon of hackable drones while carrying out their mission, and weapons becoming autonomous. Humans' role diminishes in what could turn into a process of annihilation.
  • US and Russian efforts have undermined global efforts aimed at urging the United Nations to take steps to ban so-called killer robots, as part of the two countries' arms race.
  • Countries such as the United States, China, South Korea, Russia, Australia, India, and the United Kingdom continue to invest in lethal autonomous weapons.

  • Weapons manufacturers consider killer robots, drones, and other lethal weapon systems that adopt new technology and artificial intelligence to be used in conflict zones, with police forces, and in border control.
  • However, replacing soldiers with machines decides to go to war easier and threatens human rights, most notably the right to life.
  • Currently, Amnesty International is collaborating with the Stop Killer Robots Coalition, a global coalition of more than 180 non-governmental organizations and academic partners, to ensure control over the use of force through the development of new international law. The organization has launched a petition to regulate the technology of war. It aspires to exert mass pressure on countries that support the use of artificial intelligence and robots in wars and limit their systems to control them.

At The End:

In my opinion, black markets have thousands of these projects and still work in hidden all powerful countries trying to be number one in this industry and they all make the same mistake try without putting rules to control it so can happen one day they out of control and make their own rules and language as I showed before in the old article.

So what do you think my friends what can happen can we see what they showed in movies before that robots control earth and made a third world war with them and destroyed earth or humans will wake up before losing everything?

Sure will wait for your comments to tell me your opinions.

Best Wishes For The Next Topic 


  1. Anonymous12/31/2022

    We shouldn't be afraid of robots, we should be afraid of the people who create them!

    1. yes I agree with you, the problem they discover the problem after losing control

  2. Anonymous1/01/2023

    Happy New Year, thank you for sharing my favorite article😍😘

    1. Happy new year to all of us, you are welcome, and it's not the end

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