The Ancient Egyptian And Aliens

Welcome again my friends today we will focus on a strange topic can are you ready ?????

Let's start have you ever asked yourself how ancient humans made their civilization and how it disappear just let us them builds to show us how they were great or from where they got their knowledge and how they learned all this???????

how did they reach this technology ???

so let's travel for the first great civilization in great land............................


Welcome to ancient Egyptian land welcome to Egypt  

Giza pyramids :

let's make your brain focus on these facts who will make you open more questions.

1-It took about 20 years to build one pyramid, so they were, most likely, working on building several pyramids at the same time.

2-The temperature of the pyramids inside the pyramids remains constant at 20 degrees Celsius, despite the extreme heat in Egypt.

the biggest pyramid:

1- One stone in the pyramid weighs between 2 tons to 15 tons, and the number of pyramid stones is about 2 million and 600 thousand stones.

2- The height of the pyramid is 149.4 m, the same distance between the earth and the sun.

3- The weight of the granite stone in the ceiling of the King’s chamber is 70 tons,,!! which calls into question the method of carrying it and installing it in the ceiling.

4- The height of the pyramid is 149.4 meters, and the distance between the Earth and the sun is 149.4 million kilometers, and this is certainly not a coincidence.

5- The place of pyramid is exactly in the middle, relative to the five continents.

6- The entrance corridor of the pyramid refers to the North Pole Star, and the inner vestibule refers to the Yemeni star Sha'ara.

7- If you put a piece of meat in the king's room, you will see that it dries without rotting.

8- If you leave a broken razor for a certain number of hours in the pyramid, it will turn sharp again.

9- If you bring any plant, it will grow more than it did outside the pyramid.

10_ The circumference of the pyramid divided by the height of the pyramid = 3.14

11- Divide the circumference of the king's room by the height = 3.14

12-The king's sarcophagus divided its circumference by its height = 3.14, and surely all of this is not a coincidence

13-The Great Pyramid of the astronomical system is located under the largest star in the sky.

3-The Al-Jabbar association theory (or the Giza-Jabbar link theory) is marginal in alternative Egyptology. It assumes that there is a connection between the location of the three largest pyramids of Giza from the Giza pyramid complex and the belt of the mighty from the constellation of Orion and that this association was intended as such by the original builders of the Giza pyramid complex.

Orion's stars were associated with Osiris, the god of rebirth and the afterlife, by the ancient Egyptians.

4- The main color of the pyramids is white. Natural factors led to stripping the pyramids of the layer of white limestone that was covering them, as they looked like a diamond from afar that reflected the sunlight falling on them.

so how they did do this???

The second story will be a little strange:

1-There is a papyrus from the reign of King Tuthmosis III, around the year 1504-1450 BC, roughly translating the text of the papyrus as follows:

“In the year 22, of the third month of winter, at the sixth hour of the day...the book of the House of Life found circles of fire coming from the sky...that had no head and the stench of their mouths was foul. Their bodies are one long and one wide body. She had no voice. And through him, then she put herself on their stomachs... They went with a report to the King. His Majesty's command... [Search] All that was written in a roll of papyrus is the abode of life. His Majesty was contemplating what had happened. Now that a few days had passed, these things were more numerous in heaven than ever before. It shines in the sky more than the brightness of the sun and extends to the four limits of the sky. …. It was a strong position of the circles of fire. The pharaoh's army looks at him in their midst. It was after dinner. Therefore, these circles of fire ascended higher in the sky, heading towards the south... The king commanded that incense be offered so that peace may prevail on earth and that it be written in the records of the abode of life. So that it would be mentioned forever...

2-There are also two pictures of drawings of flying dishes on the walls of ancient Egyptian temples, and there is something similar to a helicopter. 

so how did all this and who made this ???????

  • The British newspaper "Express" revealed a very strange video, alleging the discovery of the mummy of an alien being in one of the pharaonic tombs in Egypt. The video includes rare footage of the so-called "Isis Project", and shows a group of foreign soldiers in an Egyptian pharaonic tomb, opening a sarcophagus containing the mummy of a strangely tall creature with a non-human face.
  • The newspaper linked this video with old reports issued in 1961 by Soviet intelligence agents, who confirmed that they had found a 13,000-year-old mummy of an alien being.
  • Soviet intelligence agents said that the mummy was found in an area in Giza Governorate, the governorate that includes the pyramids, a marvel of Pharaonic engineering, and one of the most important monuments in human history.

last story :

King Tutankhamun's strange part it's his knife after discovered his tomb and was saved with treasures the knife was a mystery something because they found it made from a kind of metal, not on earth and this metal was not easy to create something with it so how??????

At the end :

as you see still history hide many things but what you think one day we will know or never and there are many other questions in our heads still without answers like how much they reach in stars or what is the star gates all this shown in the manuscript but how they get all this knowledge from no one or help from other smart civilization who was out the earth in future articles we will see new evidence and  I need to tell me your opinions as always 

best wishes for next time stay in touch

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