sex, love, and dark magic

Welcome again my friends we will take a small break from aliens and let's make a small post about jinn but this time with romance topic who changed to hell in their characters

so are you ready????????

we know from the last post about jinn pieces of information about them but have you ever asked yourself what connection between jinn and romance and dark magic ??????

let me show you what connections with small stories that came in a historical book called the wonders of antiquities in the translations and news written by Abdul Rahman al-Jabarti 

al-Jabarti told us many stories that came in his book about how they were treated with jinn in past in old ages. 

so let's start with the first story........

Al-Jabarti said in his book that he got an old story from the aged sultan Abu al abbas Abdullah al-Mamoun, at age 6 century had a strange story about black magic.

so keep reading and focus because what will come will be so interesting so let's start.

Al-Mamoun age

tattoo on leg

there was a merchant in Al-Mamoun age who was always having problems with his wife and when had sex never felt pleasure and usually want just finish without reason as if he hate her so he took a decision that will make his life hell.

he went to ask help from a person known as like jinn treater to help him so this man told him to bring his wife will make a tattoo on her leg who will help both of him while having sex so man believed its normal so he brought his wife and did this tattoo in her right leg from the top.

and at night they had the best sex they ever felt but his body start to feel so hot and something strange happened his body started to appear tattooed in all body alone without anyone drawing!!!!!


The next day his wife was pregnant like she was 6 months he choked what ill she have he thought she was ill but same time how to get these tattoos too this man was asking himself.

but after so much searching without getting any answer he start to be angry about anything so one night he killed his wife without knowing how.

so after many try to reach reason he finds a religious man who knows his story and how to solve it so he travels to see him and asks him to explain everything and he went with judgment to Baghdad in Iraq to meet him 

so after meeting him he told him and this religious man saw his tattoos too so he said Nael inside you!!!!!!

the Merchant asked who Nael????

religion man said Nael one of the kings of jinn from the mayamen kingdom.

the Merchant got choked.

body tattoos
so told him what did till now he said I killed my wife she was pregnant one night he said well she had his son too and after born kid will disappear 

the judgment choked he thought he lied to him so asked how to save him.

he said no other way the magic shirt was the only solution 

this shirt will make him out of you and make him leave you so are you ready to fight him to stay alive because will use your body to make many kids?

so how will I get this shirt and what is this shirt 

The magic shirt the
the magic shirt 

this shirt was made from linen and had many talismans who wrote on it so why all this for what they made it 

they made it in this way to save the sultan or king in his wars by bringing jinn kings to save and fight with the king or sultan how many were made from this shirt 7 but the real number it's 9 I will show you how to look in the picture.

this kind of shirt was made in the 2 or 3 century but was known in the 15 century at age of sultan Soliman the first in Isfahan Iran.

so let's back to the merchant he said how will get one the religious man told him sultan al-Mamoun has one here in Baghdad he got it from Isfahan.

The magic shirt and
and I know who will bring it to us to use and then back it so are you ready to fight Nael inside you 

the religious man brings the shirt and lets the merchant wear it and his body starts smoking like it starts to burn Nael starts to scream in a lion's voice and at the end, every room is destroyed and silent nothing else is like nothing happened Nael disappeared and the man body no tattoos.

the end:

so the question now what do you think about what I told you and can jinn do that ??????

the answer is easy yes can be and do worst because talismans because work like calling them to come and break the wall between their world and our world.

we have many stories told in history books about jinn who loved and married humans so if feel interested in this tell me in the comments and sure must tell me your opinion about this topic too.

                                                   best wishes for the next topic 


  1. Anonymous12/29/2022

    To be honest, I generally don’t read. But, this article caught my attention!

    1. so please wait for the next article of this kind it's more potent than this

  2. Anonymous12/30/2022

    La chemise magique semble familière d'un film

    1. yes that's why I made it an article to show the real historical story about the real magic shirt, thanks for your comment

  3. Anonymous2/02/2023

    هذا المقال ملئ بالحقائق والمفاجات لى انا عندى علم بهذا القميص ولكنك اعطتنى فكره ومعلومه اكبر مما أعلم شكرا جزيلا

    1. you are welcome, Thanks for your comment.

  4. Anonymous2/02/2023

    شكرا على المقال لابد وانك قمت بأبحاث كثيرة حتى تحصل على هذا المقال العظيم الملئ بالاحداث الشيقة شكرا شكرا

    1. i do my best to show the truth in easy way to share knowledge from hidden history, Thanks for your comment.

  5. Anonymous2/02/2023

    شكرا كاتبى العظيم على المجهود العظيم الذى بذلته حتى تعطينا هذه المعلومات القيمه والعظيمه شكرا على تعبك استمر وفقك الله لما فيه خيرا للجميع

  6. Anonymous2/02/2023

    Thank you very match

    1. you are welcome, Thanks for your comment.

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