The Ancient Aliens Who lived on Earth


Welcome again my friends today will talk about aliens and whether they are real or new words in our generation.

So the right question is their aliens we don’t know ?????

So we will look deeper into that because if we see history will find many places showing strange things we will never understand how this evidence shows us that there are aliens and were living with ancient humans normally.

So let’s start…………

Are you ready????????????

Andes Mountain

First Land Bolivia and Peru

Sun Gate, Bolivia

Land of Andes mountains the first wrote years ancients the earth but what the connection between the Inca and Aztecs and aliens so let’s see closer in death city between Bolivia and Peru.
This city was discovered and after seeing they discovered it was built 15000 years and there were not so many buildings found in place but there was a strange place and made scientists crazy……….
The sun gates this what made many scientists crazy why because this gate is back to the ancient humans who were living in this land all this normal but the strange who will make you hold your breath from scary what you will hear now.
 what is not normal is there is a calendar shown in this gate that shows a year with 225 days but the earth has 365 days they made mistake??
no, don't think this because if we back for new things we discovered about space will find venus year 225 days!!!!!!!
there is carve in this gate showing aliens too with their vehicles to travel with so how this how they have known all this since 15000 years ago.
let's keep going.........

Nasca Lines, Peru

if look in Peru will find the same in something called Nazca lines if you inland will see roads but from the top will find paint for animals and how they did it on the earth without mistake.

Machu Picchu, Peru

and if we back to Inca we will find they were building their cities in so modern ways if they were stupid as science lies this puts the big question being whether they were connected with aliens.


next trip to Egypt lets go 

if we back to Platon Who little talk about his father Toulon when was made a chat with Ra priests they told him about the kind who was going to the sky to meet the gods and back with knowledge, they said to him about Atlantis the loss land!!!!!!
Atlantis lost empire

Tarek Mountain

 yes, it's really don't be surprised they said they made a connection with people in Atlantis and there was trade with them and they explain to him how the city looked and all these normal strange things they were explaining or call them ( blue skin ) people and they were so technology and lead earth with their power, and their land was behind Heracles legs who call now Tarek mountain in morocco land. 
they told him about the power source that was lighting their land all time.
at the end of the story, they told him they woke up one day in a big explosion who was in Atlantis's land and this explosion stays three days lighting the land when the Egyptian ancient went to see them they didn't find them land as like disappeared!!!!!!!!

this is what they explain to Toulon there must be Atlantis in

this does not show your opinion in your brain this was not like a nuclear weapon explosion.

The end 

so in the past, as we see in ancient there was a connection between humans and aliens, not just this they were lead land at once as crave who show this.
so if this is what happened so why is there no clue about aliens now?
aliens dead or just vanished, or they hide the truth from us.
but from time to time there are always clues that appear these clues show there are connections between humans and aliens now but men in charge hide this from people.
and all this show in the news who out from NASA or before NASA too about messages we get from space.

NASA Radio Receiver

so what do you think to tell me your opinions on the topic and in the next topics will show you more and more about hiding history we humans never hear before.
so hope this was not a long topic and hope to share a talk with you guys ask me if there are any questions in your mind.

best wishes for the next topic 

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