Messages From Space

Welcome my friends the last topic we talked about was ancient aliens but have you ever asked yourself why can't hear anything about them where they are?

if they are just imagination or real !!!!!!!!!

if they imagine then just us who live in this big universe

or there are other creatures with us.

let me take you on a small trip in NASA laps and see if there other creatures in the universe or not.

are you ready? , let's start.

The First Message :

Andromeda Galaxy

In January 1998 earth got a message from the nearest galaxy to us Andromeda.

so this message came to us NASA tried many ways to understand it because it sure came in a math way.

, and after many tries and years, they discovered its SOS (save our souls ) message from Andromeda Galaxy.


let me tell you all story to understand it.

NASA Radio Station

This search was under the lead of the military command manager DR.viktor Kulikov.

He said :

The point of starting the message came from Andromeda Galaxy.

mean this message took 2.5 million light years Mean this message sent us since 80000 years ago from our years on Earth.

And this message started by explaining to us that were sent by smart creatures than us and show us the technology they reach and how much civilization they had but from message shows us they regret because with this technology they destroyed them on earth and asked us to help them.

scary right............. 

keep focus....... from this message we will go for the second one 

The second message : 

NASA Radio 

In 2019 telescope from NASA telescopes got a strange message from a far spot in space but were so strange.

so they called it the ghost message because was come at different times of the day as like if there one
was trying to send us it but at many different times to see if anyone get.

and NASA got it  17 times in two years.

The Universe 
Strange right !!!!!

The Third Message :

NASA Radio, Florida

In 1977 Earth got a message but they thought it was a mistake the strange thing after 13 years mean in 1990 they get what mean.

keep focus because what I gonna say will make it scary......

"they said to make your sound calm or they will hear your planet and attack you"

who listen to us and told us to be calm or they will come to attack our planet.....

The Fourth Message :

Nikola Tesla With his Radio Receiver 

who doesn't know Nikola tesla if you don't know him I will tell you don't panic.

"Nikola Tesla is Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, and mechanical engineer who was born on 10 July 1856".

so this man-made radio in 1898 and while was trying to send a message to space after many tries he got an answer and he didn't believe he got this for real.

after many try to understand it was say ONE........TWO.........THREE

he didn't know what mean at first but many said who got an answer after that but government hides what he got.

The Fifth Message :

NASA Research Station, Ohio

OR we can call the " WOW message "  The Wow! signal was a strong narrowband radio signal detected on August 15, 1977, by Ohio State University's Big Ear radio telescope in the United States, then used to support the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The signal appeared to come from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius and bore the expected hallmarks of extraterrestrial origin.

Wow Signal

The entire signal sequence lasted for the full 72-second, Who send us this kind, and why used these simple words to know which languages we use!!!!!!

At The End 

after I showed you all these messages and this small number of real messages.

so who was trying to reach us who try to talk to us and why this sure shows us that alone in the universe.

so tell me your opinions tell me in the comments and what you think about this topic.

Best Wishes for the next topic

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