If we back to science won’t find something to
explain what was living on earth before humans but in the same way if we search
in history we will find things without logical explanation, but the real
question is who was living before us humans and what happened to them, and is it
the truth that humans since 400-500 thousand years or more?
All this and more I will try to show you some of
the truth so are you ready my friends to go together in deep travel in place
and time to discover the truth?
Let’s Go………………..
Who inhabited the earth before humans?
(El-Hinn, El-Binn, El-Khinn, El-Minn, El-Dinn,
And El-Niss or El-Sinn)
- This article will show you who was living on earth before humans and what the creatures that I said named above how was look like and how living, This article is shocking in every sense of the word. You may think for a moment that you are in a world of terrifying fantasy
- But the surprise of the documents and evidence is creatures that you have not heard of before that inhabited the earth before the existence of humans, whose characteristics are terrifying! No, it is not even from the jinn, but what is its story? And how did it disappear, or rather, who eliminated it?
- We will tell of the mysterious pre-existence secrets. Since the beginning of research and historiography, we all believe, but what is firmly established in our minds, that the first person to step foot on the earth is our master Adam, peace be upon him. Some historians and researchers have also mentioned that the jinn inhabited the earth before humans, but did you know that there are creatures that inhabited the earth before humans and jinns that were not human or from the jinn, So what's the story?
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"El Bdaya W El Nhaya" by Ibn Katheer |
- The most prominent references that spoke on this subject are the book “The Beginning and the End” or "El Bdaya W El Nhaya" by the famous commentator and historian Ibn Katheer.
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" Al-Mustaṭraf Fi Kull Fann Mustaẓraf " By Shihab Al-Din Al-Abshihi |
- However, some historians were Al-Masoudi in his book “The History of the Nations” or “Akhbar El-Zaman” and Shihab Al-Din Al-Abshihi in his book “The Extreme in Every Extravagant Art” “ Al- Mustaṭraf Fi Kull Fann Mustaẓraf ” in which he quoted from Al-Masoudi’s book, He said That God created 28 nations before Adam, and the difference is that in these two books, some forms of these nations were mentioned, but of course, this description was not confirmed, simply because the appropriate means were not available.
to show it clearly will explain every creature alone so can understand it easily my friends.
The First Creature (El-Binn):
- After the earth settled and its flesh cooled, and life began to spread on the face of the earth, and that was in the time called the Protozoan era (which is the time in which the first living cell was created on the face of the earth, according to scientists’ estimation, 2.5 to 3.5 billion years ago), El-Binn was created, and it is the first An inexpensive, sane entity, they are creatures closer to primitive mutants of organic origin that do not reproduce sexually, but rather a mitosis of earthly origin, either by cutting off parts of them or by their death through the fall of their cells on the ground and the formation of new creatures in the same form.
- Their creation begins in the form of a great worm. To accelerate growth into a half-upright object. Then it turns into something like an erect monkey, to grow old and die, and its remains dissolve in the ground.
The Second Creature (El-Hinn):
- It used to combine in its formation a mixture of clay and tree bark, and it was growing from the bottom of the water laden with algae, and sometimes mixed with wild vascular plants, the fern bushes that appeared in the Paleozoic era and in the "Carboniferous" periods, in both of them, and the "Devonian" period.
- And that El-Binn creatures began to disappear after the algae were formed and the water spot increased on the ground to begin to form El-Hinn. And that the creatures El-Hinn were wooden, and they were feeding on minerals from the earth, so they became stronger than El-Binn, so they oppressed them and destroyed them.
The Third Creature (El-Khinn):
- El-Khinn was created from mud and bark, and it became fed on marine creatures, which led to the formation of an animal cover, and thus it became stronger El-Hinn and El-Binn, so it entered into a conflict with them and eliminated El-Hinn creatures, And some “strange” information says that the dinosaurs were the ones who “wiped out” the creatures of El-Khin
The Fourth Creature (El-Minn):
- It consisted of El-Binn Creatures, which hid in the caves for fear of tyranny, but it is weaker creatures than its predecessors, El-Hinn And El-Khin, despite its enormity, and it did not have eyes, and it adapted to its dark environment, it could move easily in very dark places, relying on moving tentacles in its face that sensed its way. Aphids were able to reproduce through mitotic division, such as coffee grounds, or by mating with other creatures through external pollination, but they disappeared and evolved into other species.
The Fifth Creature (El-Dinn):
- El-Minn disappeared, or rather they evolved to become the creatures of El-Dinn, which are transitional creatures that came from El-Minn and evolved until they became walking on all fours. It is considered the first spiritual creature that possessed a mind, and it evolved into several creatures in the sea, air, and land.
The Sixth Creature (El-Sinn or El-Niss):
- Creatures El-Sinn Or El-Niss, according to what was reported by ancient biologists, said that these creatures are the first ancestors of man During the creation of El-Sinn or El-Niss, God created the jinn
But what about the documented sources, that will support or oppose this theory?
Are the creatures of El-Hinn And El-Binn real?
- Of course, from a scientific point of view, El-Hinn and El-Binn were not mentioned in any of the scientific references. We know that scientists give purely scientific names to any archaeological discovery.
- But what is controversial is what was mentioned by a BBC News report about its discovery by a research team of a jaw bone dating back 2.8 million years ago in the Afar region of Ethiopia in 1994.
- And before that, he discovered a human-like fossil in the same area in 1974, dating back 3.2 million years, and called them the bones of El-Hinn And El-Binn.
- It is scientifically known that the period in which scientists are likely to appear ranges from 400 to 500 thousand years.
- Of course, it is not possible to determine the human age exactly due to the different research, studies, and interpretations, but if science has determined the human age on earth to be about 500 thousand years.
- So what about the discovered fossils and to which gender do they belong and is it possible that they belong to El-Hinn And El-Binn? nobody knows!
Extinction and disappearance of the creatures El-Hinn And El-Binn:
- But let's see, according to what was narrated, how do these creatures of El-Hinn And El-Binn end? If we assume the existence of the creatures of El-Hinn and El-Binn on earth, where did they go, or rather, where did they disappear?
- In this regard, there are two documented narrations, one of which was mentioned by the Islamic commentator Ibn Katheer in his book, where he mentioned that God Almighty gave the jinn power over them after their disobedience and bloodshed, so a great battle arose between the jinn on the one hand and El-Hinn and El-Binn on the other, and The jinn defeated them, so they destroyed them once and for all
- As for the second story about them, it is not documented, but I read it in more than one book, so I had to present it. Listen carefully, the story is shocking.
- It tells that El-Hinn and El-Binn are the same as the people of Gog and Magog and that they fled to the Caucasus Mountains after their defeat by the jinn, then reappeared after the humans descended and destroyed the human tribes. Until Dhul-Qarnayn came and imprisoned them behind the dam until the end of time (Will talk about this in another article).
- Strange information, but why don't we think a little, didn't God tell us in His Holy Book that He, created all pairs from the plants of the earth and from ourselves, we humans, and from what we do not know
At The End:
So, My Friends, after
all these documented and undocumented accounts, which in both cases are
shocking and closer to the imagination, the most important question remains:
Were there creatures before man that we do not know of?
Or who knows, is it
possible that they still exist among us on this planet? Or maybe on another
And what do you think,
do you think that El-Hinn and El-Binn are the people of Gog and Magog, No one
Sure I will be Waiting
for your comments my friends to tell me your opinions about this topic and sure
if there is any topic want to know about it tell me in the comments to make it the
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Best Wishes For The
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