The Tomb Of Fatima Hatun Is One Of The Most Haunted Places, Is It Ghosts Or Jinns?

Imagine, my friend, that you are sitting in a popular cafe in one of the ancient places at 12 after midnight. While you are sitting in this cafe overlooking one of the most ancient archaeological areas, you see something strange, except for the appearance of soldiers on horses from this ancient building. Not only that, but they are wearing clothes that come back To an era of 650 years!

Know that you are near one of the most inhabited places in the world, and it is not just a place, but the tomb of an important figure in that era.

So do you want to know the whole story, so follow this investigation about this place, and I promise you, my friend, that it is an essential and interesting investigation.

Are you ready to start the journey because we will travel to Egypt and go back in time by more than 650 years?

Let's start our journey...............

The Tomb Of Fatima Hatun Is One Of The Most Haunted Places:

  • On Sultan Al-Ashraf Street, branching from Al-Sayyida Nafisa Square in ancient Egypt, especially the old Al-Khalifa area, in the back area where you will find the Sultan Al-Ashraf area.
  • You will find several mausoleums dating back to the Mamluk era, but no one cares about them because of the large number of pieces of evidence that ghosts or jinns inhabit them.
  • Approximately 740 years ago, King Al-Salih bin Al-Mansur Qalawun, the ruler of Egypt, chose a suitable place surrounded by paradise, smelling of beautiful scents near the Mamluk desert, “the current Caliph area,” to become a shrine for the tomb of his mother, Fatma Hatun, so the location was suitable for gathering the most important and largest shrines of dignitaries royal court at that time.

  • Hundreds of years after the construction of these architectural masterpieces, in which the majesty of the Mamluk architecture was evident, which flooded the Islamic Cairo region with its excessive beauty, those charming touches were lost among the hills of garbage that covered all the entrances, exits, and rooms belonging to those mausoleums, so the dome of "Fatma Hatun" turned into a shelter for The bats, the ghost, and the jinn, after the two main pillars disappeared, and the ornate mastaba at the entrance to the mausoleum disappeared under the dust of years of neglect. The green area in front of the shrine is a refuge for slum dwellers.

Let's go into the Horror part The investigation of this shrine:

  • Legends and imaginary stories spread among the people of the region, specifically Fatma Hatun Shrine, in where half of the shrine and the resting place are located inside, and it is one of the branches of Al-Ashraf Street.
  • The real part is about those stories, for which there is much evidence.
  • The place that no human has entered for hundreds of years, began to emit strange sounds of unknown origin, according to the people, and walking in this area at night became a terrifying matter for everyone who lives in its surroundings,

  • especially the people of the neighborhood, until the situation reached them that they had collected a sum of money to light the place, but it was a dreadful shadow for them and their children and women in the evening.
  • The beginning of the investigation began to identify the sayings of the people of the region about this shrine to understand what is happening there.

Of course, I will not show the names of the witnesses to preserve their privacy, but we will refer to the first letters of their names.

The first witness (H.ِA.):

  • (H.ِA.), the owner of a coffee shop that is less than 10 meters away from the shrine, is a simple coffee shop in which the people and residents of Al-Ashraf Street sit. He says that the café is open all day, during that period we move as far as possible from the shrine, and we do not approach it except at times matches. We put the screen near it because there is a square in front of it.
  • (H.ِA.) continued: "Rumors are saying that the place is inhabited by jinns and goblins and that more than one 'customer' of the place confirms that sounds are coming from it late at night, which caused panic in the hearts of some of the residents close to the shrine.
  • It is that many of those who sit at the coffee shop at a late time watch some phantoms or form the narrowest spectrum until you approach them to know that they are soldiers on their horses and wear their full clothes for war, but the shock is that their clothes are patched up to the Mamluk era, or more accurately in the period from 1270 to 1297 !!!!!

So what do you think my friends saw or what happen there?

  • The state of terror overwhelmed the people of the area after 3 residents of the area were infected with "demonic possession," according to the description of their relatives. They were sitting in this place from the early hours of the night until the early hours of the morning, and they were suffering from the curse of the Mamluks, and their laughter was loud amid the difficult atmosphere, so they violated that. The sanctity of a place was forbidden to humans for centuries, and for more than 3 years they were treated in psychiatric clinics, and their families took them to the men of religion for treatment from demonic possession.

One of the three victims:

  • (A.S), his curiosity prompted him to sneak daily into the shrine without being seen by anyone, to wait for his colleagues until the daily vigil prayers begin until the morning,
  • (A.S)'s father, "MR. H", confirmed that he tried to prevent his son from entering that place a lot, but he did not care about his conversation with him.
  • He always promised him that he would permanently prevent him from entering the shrine, but he was not aware of his promise until he had seizures resembling epileptic seizures frequently and frighteningly, and the men of religion failed to treat him until he was transferred to a psychiatric clinic a year ago in the city of October to receive treatment.

Another witness:

  • One day, the people of the area were surprised by the outbreak of fire in the shrine without prior notice. The sight of the fire was frightening, which caused panic among the people in the area.
  • Which made them contact the fire trucks to put out the huge fire, but While the police and firefighters were there.
  • The fire went out without anyone's intervention, and upon seeing the place where the fire broke out, there was no evidence of the existence of fire.

Who made this fire and how and something else how it finished without any evidence of the existence of fire?

In The End:

Many witnessed the strange events that occur in the region, which made the people feel dangerous from this point in the region.

With the large number of accidents that occur there, such as frightening sounds and fires without cause, and then extinguished without anyone's intervention, the area is full of supernatural phenomena that occur without anyone's intervention.

What do you think is the reason, my friends? no one knows till this time what happens there and why happens.

I will wait for your opinions in the comments, my friends, and if there is any topic want to know about it sure can tell me in the comments I will be glad about that.

Best Wishes Till We Meet In The Next Topic






  1. Anonymous3/04/2023

    هى اشباح أو أطياف من الزمن القديم

  2. Anonymous3/04/2023

    ياترى هذا المقال أحداثه تجرى حتى الان ام ذهبت مع الزمن؟

    1. this stays the basic question but it's still same there in this area, thanks for your comment.

  3. Anonymous3/05/2023

    Thank you for your new article.🤗

    1. you are welcome, Thanks for your comment and support.

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