Doctor Of Death !!!! Or Dr. Aribert Heim Or Mr. Tariq Fareed Hussein, Who Is He !!!!!!

Today we will spot another death angel or as they were called Doctor Of Death “Aribert Heim”.

Let’s go closer to see who this doctor Aribert is and how he was living and dead.

Let’s Begin my Friends……….

Doctor Of Death or Dr. Aribert Heim:

Some crimes committed by Dr. Arbert:

While he was in detention, he was reasoned for :

  1. Hundreds were killed and tortured in the camps.
  2. Perform surgeries on prisoners without anesthesia.
  3. The removal of healthy organs from the bodies of healthy detainees for study, then leaving them to bleed to death.
  4. Injecting the hearts of detainees with poisonous gases and benzene to see the extent of its impact on them.
  5. Even one day he cut off the head of a detainee and kept it as a souvenir because he was the most stubborn of those who attended the interrogations with them.
  6. And one day he gave a gift to the commander of one of the detention centers, " lampshades "!!!!!! It is not an ordinary lampshade, but its cover was made from the skin of one of his victims !!!.

The Lampshades

Really he was a crazy person !!!!!

Arbert’s Life in Egypt and his Death:

Where his life was according to the witnesses who dealt with him:

In The End:

I will be waiting for your opinions in the comments my friends and if any topic wants to know about in any field sure can tell me my friends and I will make it the next article.

Best Wishes Till We Meet In Next Topic




  1. Anonymous3/14/2023

    Thank you for your new post.I was waiting for you to share your new article.😜

    1. you are welcome, thanks for your comment and support

  2. Anonymous3/15/2023

    جميل جدا مقالك الجديد بكل أحداثه من ظلم وقهر

  3. Anonymous3/15/2023

    هذا الرجل ظالم جدا حتى لوانصلح حاله كيف فعل كل هذه الأفعال وظلم الناس وتعامل معهم بكل وحشيه وافتراء

    1. that how they was at this war, they was as like monsters, thanks for your comment

  4. Anonymous3/15/2023

    مقال جميل بس كيف تحمل هذا الرجل كل أوجاع الناس الذى ظلمهم وكيف تحمل آلامهم وهم يتوجهون ظالم ومفترى

    1. at this time, they were not thinking just was finishing the job, thanks for your comment

  5. Agatha3/17/2023

    I want to read about Cambridge Military Hospital – Aldershot / England. Thank you .

      this link for the article what you want, I hope you like it, thanks Agatha for your comment, i will wait your opinion.

  6. Lamija3/19/2023

    Very eye-opening piece of history.Thank you .👏👏👏

    1. yes we must focus in past in history to not let same mistake happen again, thanks Lamija for your comment

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