What is The Bermuda Triangle (Devil's Triangle)

Welcome my friends have you ever read about Bermuda Triangle, or have you ever seen a movie about it?

Never asked yourself what happen there and why this big number of planes and ships vanish.

Let me tell you the story and make a small spot in this part of the earth with its mystery story.

Are you ready ??????????

Let’s Go…………………

Bermuda Triangle (Devil's Triangle):

  • We heard about this triangle and its mysterious mysteries, in which there were conflicting rumors about the extent of its danger, and many and many theories revolved around it… The Bermuda Triangle is located in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, adjacent to the southeastern coast of the state of Florida, and it is several Islands, numbering 300 islands, of which only 30 are inhabited.
  • It is also called next to the Bermuda Triangle, the name “Devil's Triangle”, due to the occurrence of many accidents in that area of ​​​​the sea, and it is not known until today its cause, or that there is a logical explanation for it.
  • The disappearance point in Bermuda is a specific area located northwest of the Atlantic Ocean
  • Its name is the “Sargasso Sea”, and this sea was famous for its strangeness in the form of large blocks that impede the movement of boats and ships.
  • And Columbus thought when he visited this area on his first voyages, that the beach became close to him, so it was what encouraged him to continue traveling, hoping to reach a nearby beach, but to no avail!

So, what is the Sargasso Sea?

  • The Sargasso Sea is characterized by its complete calmness, as it is a completely dead sea, without any movement! Where air currents and winds are rare. It has also been called: the sea of ​​terror or the cemetery of the Atlantic, due to the presence of a large number of boats and ships lying in its depths.
  • Many observers have noticed that most of the incidents occur in certain seasons, which they called the “disappearance seasons” which is the period between November and December, especially in the periods preceding New Year's Day, or shortly after its start.
  • And in an attempt by scientists to understand the causes of frequent accidents in that particular sea, satellites were launched over the Bermuda Triangle, but all the images arrived distorted! However, only one photograph was finally taken, in which it showed: a mass of land other than
  • Clear features. And when the focus was on re-imaging that area with greater accuracy, the results were unclear after all the pictures of that land appeared blurry!

And after several desperate attempts, Professor (Wayne Michigan) finally stated:

  • - We are in front of a huge, great, and limitless power, but we cannot know anything about it at all!
  • After that, the official satellite research and studies were halted, by orders of the US government, which dealt with the subject as being surrounded by secrecy, for security and military reasons.

Part From Vanish Stories :

  • Flight 19: On December 5, 1945, five US Navy bombers known as Flight 19 disappeared; Where she disappeared in mysterious circumstances and no trace of her was found, and a US Navy plane carrying thirteen men was sent to search for them; however, they also disappeared, and no trace was found related to them, and this is one of the most puzzling secrets in the history of aviation.

  • DC-3: On December 28, 1948, a DC-3 airliner disappeared during a flight from San Juan Puerto Rico to Miami. Pilot Robert Lindquist told the repair crew that the warning light was not working, but he did not want to delay take-off from the scheduled date to make repairs, and the plane was carrying 29 passengers in addition to 3 crew members, and a report was received about the plane telling that it was 50 miles away; That is, approximately 80 kilometers south of Miami; Since it was reported that it had flown from New Orleans, it was said that the plane may have veered off course, so it has not been found or heard from its passengers.

  • USS Cyclops: USS Cyclops is a huge ship that disappeared in March 1918, the ship was carrying 309 people on board, and no trace of it was found, and its loss was one of the largest Casualties in the Bermuda Triangle area, and its disappearance after leaving the Barbados area.

  • Spray: Spray is a boat captained by Joshua Slocum, a sailor known for his skill and ability to sail, he was the first man to sail alone around the world, and he disappeared in an area near the Caribbean Sea on his way to Venezuela in 1909, and there is no actual evidence that he was in the Bermuda Triangle area at the time of his disappearance, and many opinions have emerged that says he may have lost control of his boat while sailing; However, in 1924 he was declared dead.

  • SS Cotopaxi: The Cotopaxi ship headed to Havana from the Charleston area in January of 1925, and the ship was carrying a crew of 32 people, and it is said that the captain had sent a radio call saying that the water was severely in his way, after that, the ship disappeared, and no trace of it was found. Where the ship was added to the list of secrets of the Bermuda Triangle.

At The End :

Theories developed to explain the Bermuda mystery:

The theory of magnetic attraction, and its relationship to what is happening in the Bermuda Triangle:

  • The measuring devices in the planes, during their passage over the Bermuda Triangle, are disturbed and move randomly, as well as the ship's compass, which indicates the presence of a strong and strange magnetic force or attraction.

Earthquake theory, and its relationship to what is happening in the Bermuda Triangle:

  • This theory says: When earthquakes occur at the bottom of the ocean, huge, violent, and sudden waves are generated that make ships sink and head to the bottom violently in a few moments. As for planes, these tremors generate waves in the air, which leads to an imbalance of the plane And the inability of its leader to control it.

Flying saucer theory:

  • And it says that there is a relationship between its appearance and the disappearance of ships and planes in this region.

A puzzle baffled scientists! Between truth and myth

This is what we got so what are you think happens there and why happened, are aliens involved in this? Many questions without answers maybe one day we will get an answer or maybe never.

Best Wishes for the Next Topic.

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