Finally solve the mystery of the disappearance of the Vikings

The Vikings Discover New Lands

Welcome my friends have you ever heard about the Vikings sure if hear his name will feel the power and strong bloody thirsty fighters but what was their strange story about them vanishing just vanish without any clue let me show you the real story be the focus because we will go deeper in so old north history.

Are you ready ????????

Let’s go………

The Vikings :

  • The Vikings or (in Old Norse: víkingr) is a term given to Norse Germanic peoples, often to ship navigators, merchants, and warriors in the Scandinavian regions who attacked the British and French coasts and other parts of Europe in the late eighth to the eleventh century (793-1066),
  • and it is called the Viking era, as It is used less frequently to refer to the inhabitants of the Scandinavian regions in general.
  • Scandinavian countries include Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Iceland.
  • They were bloodthirsty, strong, fearless, and engaged in agriculture and trade in everything from crops, valuables, and slaves, and all of that was part of their raids.
  • The Vikings were famous for their navigation skills and their longships, and the unique design of the ships that contained a place designated for burying their dead until their final resting place,
  • and in a few hundred years they were able to control and colonize the coasts, rivers, and islands of Europe, where they burned, killed, and plundered, deserving of their name Vikings, which means pirate in the ancient Scandinavian languages.
  • The language of the Vikings depended on the region in which they stayed. The Viking era lasted for a long time and included large areas of Northern Europe, which explains their ability to speak any language common to their location. Here are some of the languages they spoke:
  • Old Norse was popular with the Scandinavians and Norse settlements from the thirteenth century.
  • And they launched a lot of invasions to satisfy their desire to expand their kingdom.
  • Nearly four centuries before the arrival of the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus to the coasts of the Americas, Viking fighters had reached the shores of Greenland and then the North American continent, and established a settlement for them in "Lan o Meadows" at the far northern tip of Newfoundland Island in Canada, according to the results. New study.


What they believed what was their religion:

  • The religion of the Vikings before Christianity was similar to the religion of other Germanic tribes, where they sanctified several gods, such as Odin, the god of war, the leader of the Norwegian gods, Thor, the god of thunder, and Balder, the god of light.
  • Viking warriors believed that if they died heroically they would be invited to dwell with Odin in Valhalla, his palace in the realm of the gods.
  • The Norse gods are opposed by a large group of evil giants, led by Loki.
  • The Vikings believed that gods and men would eventually be destroyed in the Ragnarok, a mighty battle against the giants, and yet that a new peaceful world would emerge from the abyss of disaster.

Their most prominent kings:

Eric the Red

Eric the Red was known by this name for his red hair. Eric discovered Green Land in the year 985, and Eric has three sons:

Leif Ericson

  • 1-Leif Ericson discovered the American coast.

Harold Godwinson

  • 2-Harold Godwinson shone in Norway and achieved great victories from the many conquests he conquered.

Ragnar Lothbrok

  • 3-The legendary Ragnar Lothbrok, married three times and had six children, and the facts of this king are attested by the most prominent historical sources.
  • Ragnar was a simple peasant before he rose in the hierarchy of power and became a king of extreme misery and semi-gods for the Vikings, leading vast invasions.

What is the secret of their disappearance?

The Viking's lands

  • In the year 985, the Vikings discovered the island of Greenland, led by Eric the Red, and after 1410, there were 100,000 Viking colonists on the shores of Greenland, and this was the last date that recorded their presence in that colony, and since that time, none of them were seen again and no news was heard of them.
  • Where Norway and Iceland, like the whole of Europe, entered a labyrinth of wars and deadly diseases, and here all communication was cut off with the people of Greenland far from Europe, and the last contact between the two parties was in the year 1410 with a ship voyage from Greenland to Norway.
  • After these dark and gloomy years had passed, Hans Edge returned to establish a new colony in Greenland in 1721, and searchers for the old Vikings colony found only traces of their villages and huts and some of the animals they migrated from.
  • Their disappearance has become one of the biggest mysteries in our modern history unless you ask the Inuit what happened to the Vikings. 
  • Even the writer “Vilhal Jamhir Stephensen” wrote in his book that the disappearance of the Viking colony of Greenland is something mysterious and strange.
  • Strangely, the confirmed hypothesis says that the Vikings, the inhabitants of the colony of Greenland, traveled to the north, to the far north of Greenland, to the North Pole, where life was with gardens, warm and fertile forests, and fish were abundant until they disappeared!

Ensure the fact that they migrated to the inner world:

  • In a serious attempt, Fert, an officer of the US Navy Division, decided to discover the reason for the disappearance of the Vikings at the beginning of the year 1900
  • He confirmed that he had studied the nature and way of life of the Eskimos. The Eskimos acknowledged that the Vikings had headed north toward the North Pole.
  • Where they found a paradise where there are abundant fish, a place the Eskimo said they were aware of. But they did not think of living in it because they believed there were evil creatures in it!
  • After that, a group of Viking explorers returned with the officer to Greenland and told the residents there of the great mystery of the disappearance of their ancestors, which the Eskimos told them about the existence of this world.
  • And many groups of them went to this place, but they never returned
  • According to Admiral "Cook Bradley", this region where the Vikings disappeared is located in the southwest of the Arctic, and it is the same undiscovered region of this pole, called "the unexplored region."

At The End:

As we see this story didn’t end and no one knows what happened to them the evidence I showed you can say they went for new land but is this really what happened or there is something else?

Maybe with days, we will discover the truth, what you think what happened to them tell me and if you like my topics follow me and tell me if there is any topic want me to talk about it.

Best Wishes For The Next Time

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