The Mystery Of Roanoke Island And The Lost Colony

Welcome my friends again will go deep into another mysterious story about a Colony called Roanoke and its strange disappearing story.

So are you ready because we will travel in time and in place too……..

Let’s Go……………….

The Story of Roanoke Colony :

Roanoke Island

  • In 1587, the Queen of Britain ordered the colonization of Eastern America before it was occupied by the Spaniards at that time.
  • So I ordered Commander John White to take over this task, and the first colonial ships set out, two ships, with 90 men, 17 women, and 11 children on board.
  • After reaching Roanoke Island and exploring the area rich in gold and precious metals, they established a colony on the island.

war Between Britain And Spain

  • John White returned to Britain to convey the news to the Queen and was surprised by the outbreak of war between Britain and Spain, which lasted 3 years, and after the war ended in August 1590, John wanted to return to the colony where he left his wife and son.
  • But it was surprising that the citizens left them 3 years ago.
  • There are no people, no colony, nothing.
  • Everything disappeared from the residents to the ca, boats, ats, and anything that could be carried. The paradox is that there is no trace of a possible battle that may have taken place similar to what happened to the second campaign, nor a clear message left by one of the inhabitants of the colony to indicate their new location.
  • John began his search for the inhabitants of the colony to no avail.
  • One word found engraved on a tree trunk is the Abandoned Island of the South Colony CROATOAN.

One word found engraved on a tree trunk CROATOAN

  • He tried to reach the location of the mentioned colony, but bad weather and successive storms prevented him from achieving his goal.
  • John returned to England to spread the story of the colonists' disappearance there, and then began several campaigns that tried to reveal the colonists' fate, starting in 1595, but without achieving any significant effect.
  • Perhaps the most prominent of these is the strenuous search attempts made by its inhabitants in Jamestown Colony in 1607 in what is now Virginia, to search for survivors, also to no avail.
  • The issue remained a subject of controversy and the door to many theories and research that tried to explain what happened, and the matter continues to this day.

At The End :

No one knows what happened to this Colony or where they disappeared but all evidence shows that there was a colony and its citizens vanished without leaving any clue.

What do you think and what is your opinion what can be happened did they go to another universe or something happened that killed them or in this place opened the gate to another place we don’t know anything about it.

All these questions are without answers so if you have other opinions tell me and if you have any topic you want to know about it tell me too.

Best Wishes For The Next Topic

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