An investigation of paranormal events inside the cemeteries ( from real events )

Welcome my friends we will talk today about one of these topics that makes people not like to talk about it stories from the cemetery but this article I promise will be different because will read strange and scary stories about this mysterious place, the place where have all people we lost there inside this place buried him underground.

If we ask ourselves yes we see the cemetery and pass beside It but what about people who live inside it people who work there and in some countries living there with their families did they see something strange or not or do they see and don’t talk to not make the secret public.

Are you ready to go to make small talk with some families who live there to know the truth but before start I must tell you I changed names and places to keep them safe.

Are you ready?????                                                                                     

Let’s Go…………..

The investigation :

  • Me: This investigation was in 2016 and in a spot on the earth without names to keep it safe, this report was with the Undertaker who was working in this place, and his family, after greeting and thanks that accepted this interview with me the basic question anyone will ask did you see something strange something paranormal?
  • His answer:  was like we were in the cemetery its place with all the paranormal events here sure saw many and some of them we used others we didn’t but almost all the same some dangerous some not.
  • Me: So the next question was to explain how these events which way he makes it kinds.
  • His answer: hearing voices and seeing things like humans or animals is a normal thing but when it attacks you or tries to injure you this means it’s dangerous.

  • Me: I asked if he saw something paranormal with dead people.
  • His answer: yes sure it be more if this person’s death was not normal like an accident or killed.
  • Me: I  asked how you give me examples and before forget you will tell me about this other paranormal this too. He agrees with that.
  • He said: there was this man who came in an accident and after I finished burying him at night I started to hear him call me and make voices as if someone was feeling the pain I knew that he needed someone to make his soul calm so I start to say some verses from the holy book and after 15 minutes he calms down.
  • Me: didn’t think he could be still alive and asked someone to help him.
  • He said: this is not the first time passed something like that and usually that happens in the first day or three days and after I do the same they calm down and nothing happens after that.

  • Me: what else you saw was paranormal with dead people?
  • His answer: there were these two young boys who came in the same day after they were killed in some events in 2011, one of them didn’t want to enter the grave his body fell from the people who carried him but in the end, they made him inside and after they were buried the for 7 months come to some policemen start new investigation so asked to open graves and bring this bodies.
  • He continued: Here I was shocked because I saw the first body the grave smelled good fresh not smell bad like a dead body in it and his body was safe It hadn’t changed in these 7 months, the second body grave smelled so bad as like many dead bodies there and then saw his body was in a terrible case.

  • Me: what else you saw tell me, please.
  • His answer: he said while I was preparing a grave for the dead body will come I heard someone call me and when looked above the ground I saw someone standing there but from darkness didn’t know who this person so I climbed up the grave to see who and I didn’t find anything there or around me.
  • And he continued: another day while I was walking in the cemetery I found a kid standing far from me I called this kid to see who is he and why he was there but when I came near him he vanished the next day I recognized that the grave he was standing in front it was his grave where he buried in it.

  •  Me: what other paranormal things you saw?
  • His answer: black magic saw Many times black magic was put underground or on the grave or in dead bodies to destroy some people’s lives and while was removing it my wife and I felt like we were stroke with huge electricity power and couldn’t move after it or faint out but after that wake up as like someone wake up you but no one around you just you where you fall.
  • Me: I know I made you tired with my questions but this won’t be the first meeting sure will be other many meetings to know more about these paranormal things but the last question for today did you see something strange come out from these graves?
  • His answer: if you talk about creatures I saw many and they usually show with a strange look once saw a small thing tall 20 centimeters and was red and had horns and a tail and when saw me he ran away and vanished, other things were tall black men with clothes we never saw or saw in history books mean wearing clothes from ancient century and they vanished when try talk them without any proof.

  • Me: you don’t feel fear from all this I mean you living in the most haunted place in any country you don’t feel fear at one moment and think to not work like this again.
  • He said: it is my family legacy we worked this for ages from my great-grandfathers so how we will fear it’s our job and we use it.

At The End:

Thanks, mister S for this meeting, and sorry for the long questions at the end I will tell you that and ask you to accept to make other meetings about this topic with me in the future.

He was so kind and accepted what I asked so we will write other articles about other investigations into this mysterious place I hope I didn’t make it long for you my friend and I hope you like this topic and tell me if want to know other investigations or not in a comment I will be glad, and as always I say when to know there is something paranormal in place stay far and never enter the cemetery at night and if must go try remember any verses from any holy book you believe in, stay save.

Best Wishes For The Next Topic    


  1. Anonymous12/26/2022

    I love this topic so much.Please continue to share with us this kind of topics.Thank you!

    1. I will and thanks for your comment

  2. Anonymous12/26/2022

    I love this topic so much.Please continue to share with us this kind of topics.Thank you!

    1. I will and thanks for your comment

  3. Anonymous12/30/2022

    Such beautiful writing this is. I appreciate your talent.

    1. Thanks for your comment I hope you like all that I share

  4. Anonymous12/30/2022

    Histoire très étrange 👍

    1. what makes it more strong it's from real events, thanks for your comment

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