The Truth Story About The Hidden Weapon Philadelphia Experiment

Welcome my friends today we will enter one of the most secret experiments about military power and new weapons.

What I can say is it was hidden for years till started to show some truth about it in the last few years but did they reach this technology or didn’t we will know in this article so are you ready, because we will travel with time and place.

The Truth Story :

  • Our story begins in the fifties of the last century with astronomer Morris Jessup, who was interested in studying strange and out-of-the-ordinary phenomena and wrote and published a book called “The Case for the UFO” in which he tried to detect and discuss the phenomenon of flying saucers from different aspects, and he met His book was a great success, especially in that period when the UFO fever was at the height of its spread, and newspapers and newspapers were not devoid of stories of monitoring and seeing these mysterious objects so that the US Department of Defense instructed the Air Force to study and investigate this phenomenon based on the observations of some of its pilots. During that period, in 1955, a mysterious envelope arrived at the Office of Naval Research (ONR). It was devoid of an address and written on it: “Happy Easter.” Inside it were several copies of Jessop's book on UFOs, with notes and analyses written on them. And defaults in three colors and three different handwriting.

  • Those notes contained very important information about the way UFOs move between galaxies and other great secrets about the universe, and also contained details of an alleged military experiment secretly conducted by the US Navy in Philadelphia, during which scientists were able to make a destroyer (warship) disappear completely.
  • Because of the seriousness of this information, the Office of Naval Research summoned the scientist Morris Jessup and showed him those copies of his book that they received through the mysterious envelope, and by examining the notes on the books, Jessup recognized one of the three lines in which it was written.
  • According to Jessup, many of the mysterious messages had come to him from the owner of the line, who identified himself as (Carlos Miguel Allende) and claimed that he was a former soldier in the US Navy, whose identification number is “7416175.” And those letters contained information about the secret Philadelphia experiment.

What happened in that experiment?

  • According to Carlos' story, The project began in the year 1931 under the management of Dr. John Hutchinson, Dean of the University of Chicago, and in the year 1934, the Serbian-born American physicist (Nikola Tesla), who is also an inventor and electrical engineer, was appointed at the request of US President Roosevelt, where he was appointed as responsible for the project
  • He was assisted by the Australian physicists Emil Kertenauer, Rudolf Amberg, Franklin Reinhart, and Albert Einstein, who later resigned for personal reasons, and the Navy put at their disposal everything they needed to complete the project.

 Albert Einstein

  • In the year 1940, it was claimed that the first (concealment) experiment was carried out, and it was very successful, as a ship without a crew was hidden, so the navy requested that the experiment be conducted on a warship destroyer with its crew.

Nikola Tesla

  • (Tesla) indicated his dissatisfaction with experimenting on a manned destroyer because he had no idea what the experiment’s final results would be, especially the mental, psychological, and physical side effects on sailors when exposed to a strong electromagnetic field, so he requested more experiments to be sure.
  • But the navy refused on the pretext that it was in a state of war and had no time to waste, so Tesla refused to risk the lives of the sailors, so he thwarted the second experiment when it was launched, and in 1942 he resigned and left the project.

  • In the year 1943, the task of supervising the project was entrusted to the mathematician von Neumann, with the help of Dr. Gustav Clarkson, David Hilbert, and Henry Levinson. Albert Einstein was also invited to participate.
  • After successfully conducting two experiments, on October 28, 1943, it was decided to conduct a third experiment on the destroyer USS Eldridge DE - 173 USS Eldridge with a special crew, all of whom were carefully selected, volunteers.
  • As soon as the experiment began, the destroyer was surrounded by a thick green fog, and then the destroyer suddenly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes!
  • It was unbelievable. And the strangest thing is that the ship appeared again. But where? At a US Navy port in Northern Virginia, 300 miles from the test site in Philadelphia. I wish the matter ended at this point, as the ship soon disappeared again to appear again in Philadelphia, surrounded by the same mysterious green fog.

  • It was a great success, or rather this was what the officials in charge of the experiment imagined at first glance. But as soon as the fog cleared, they were surprised by what they had not taken into account. Two sailors were found, and their bodies overlapped with the metal floor of the ship, two others were buried in The mast, and one of them had his hand stuck in the metal up to the wrist, and some of the crew were dead, while others simply disappeared without a trace being found. As for those who survived the experiment, they began to suffer from mental problems and tell strange stories.

Sailor Body inside Ship Body

  • The experiment failed and had tragic consequences and results, so the Navy ordered the closure of its file and secrecy about it. As for the families of the afflicted sailors, they were falsely informed that their children were killed in some naval battles. And so the story was buried deep...or at least that's what the US Navy thought.

But what happened to occult phenomenological investigator Morris Jessup?

Morris Jessup

  • Jessup has tried to pursue an investigation into Carlos Allende's allegations of a secret experiment, despite the Navy's attempts to keep it secret. On April 19, 1959, Jessup called his friend, Dr. Manson Valentine, and told him about his discovery of new information regarding the Philadelphia experiment, and the two men agreed to meet the next day in a restaurant to discuss that information.
  • But Jessup did not come on time. The next day he found his car in Florida, its engine was running, and there was a rubber tube extending from the exhaust into the car through the window, Morris was sitting behind the wheel while he was breathing hard and then soon died as a result of mono-gas poisoning. carbon.
  • Morris's death was classified as a suicide. After Morris’s death came scientists one by one they were all suicidal like Morris, However, millions of skeptics found it difficult to believe this and pointed the finger at the US Navy for being involved in his death because of the information he had reached. Morris's mysterious death was the spark that contributed to the spread and amplification of the legend of the Philadelphia Experiment or the Rainbow Experiment as it was known later.
  • After Morris's death, the Navy reprinted his book, revised with notes and mysterious letters that had been received by mail from Carlos Allende, and this copy was known as the "Varo Edition", but it did not reach the public hand. It is said that Morris kept three copies of those mysterious letters and notes, and there was a rumor that aliens were the ones who wrote those notes.

  • In 1979, writer Charles Berlitz and his assistant William Moore published a book under the name The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility. Destroyer 173 is the USS Eldridge DE-173. The two writers also claimed that they had interviewed the survivors of the ship's crew, which was denied by the destroyer crew, but the two writers said that the current crew is not the same crew that went through the experiment. The book was a resounding success and restored people's interest in the Philadelphia experience, but it did not reveal the true identity of Carlos Allende or Carl Allen.
  • Robert Gorman was a man obsessed with the paranormal, and he used to tell everyone about the Philadelphia Experiment. One day in 1979, Robert was talking to one of his neighbors about the subject, and he touched on his conversation with Carl Allen, who assumed the character of Carlos Allende and the ambiguity surrounding him. The neighbor said that his son was also called Karl Allen and he was serving in the navy, then the man brought a box full of items His son, and he has an identification card for the Marines, in the corner of which a number is engraved that all those obsessed with the story of the Philadelphia experiment remember, i.e. the number “7416175”. It is the number that appeared in Carlos Allende's letters sent to the world by Morris Jessup.

Carl Allen

  • Robert Gorman published his findings about the identity of Carl Allen in the newspaper “Fate”, and thus spread pictures of the real Carl everywhere. Carl himself did not deny the fact that he was Carlos Allende, but he was angry at Robert for publishing his personal information and wrote in one of his letters to his father that the only reason he had not shot Robert yet was that he had not found him. But Carl and Robert meet later.
  • And as we see we got all this information after they published this book and many people were searching for this hidden experiment to know it truth.

At The End :

After all this, we see there is something strange hidden in this story but why hidden it’s because they reached this technology to hide what happened many questions but what we got in this information is that even what survived this experiment had really bad effects as like disappear and brain problems too.

And if all this didn’t happen then why did Nikola Tesla talk about it and Albert Einstein too was talking about it as its successful experiment and they did!!!

Sure my friend I am waiting for your comment about this and tell me your opinion I will be glad about that.

Best Wishes For The Next Topic


  1. Anonymous12/30/2022

    Keep writing 😉

  2. Anonymous12/30/2022

    Keine Worte, nur Applaus👏

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