The Secret Story About Giant of Kandahar

Welcome my friends today we will talk about one of the most secret stories that happened in the new age and was hidden for a long time but in the end some of the truth for humans we will talk today about a giant of Kandahar so be a focus and I hope you like it.

Are you ready ??????

Let’s Go………….

The Story :

  • Our topic today is an incident that social media buzzed about in 2010. Various videos and many personalities dealt with this incident and its heroes, a squad of the American army and a giant, and the location of its occurrence in Afghanistan is an accident that is as close to the imagination as possible.
  • Stephen Coyle told this story in 2002 on a popular American supernatural radio station. According to Coyle, this whole incident was immediately classified for a long time and kept secret from the public by the efforts of the US government.
  • It all started one day, during a US military operation in Afghanistan, a detachment of American soldiers did not return from a mission. They tried to contact them on the radio, but no one answered.

Mountain in Kandahar, Afghanistan 

  • In response, a Special Forces task force is sent into the desert with the task of finding and retrieving the missing squad. It was assumed that the detachment could be surrounded, and the soldiers were killed or captured by the enemy.
  • Upon arriving at the area where the Lost squad had left, the soldiers began searching the area and soon came across the entrance to a large cave. Some objects were lying at the entrance to the cave, which, upon closer examination, turned out to be the weapons and equipment of the missing soldiers.
  • The group was looking cautiously around the entrance to the cave, when suddenly a gigantic figure, taller than two ordinary people piled on top of each other, jumped out.
  • Although the tale is sometimes added to over time and from person to person - some reports suggest that the giant man was as tall as 15 feet - this giant had a redhead, leather moccasins, and smelled like "dead bodies."
  • He shouted angrily and impaled one of the soldiers with a spear. He retreated himself and began shooting the giant with Barrett 50 BMG rifles.
  • Even with this massive firepower, it took a full 30 seconds of continuous pounding for the Colossus to bring it down to the ground.
  • Between them, the squad was armed with M4 fully automatic rifles, “scout rifles” (semi-auto), and Barrett M107 anti-material rifles firing .50 BMG, one report said. “This firepower concentrated on a single target for one second, let alone thirty, would be extremely devastating.”

  • After killing the giant, the troops searched inside the cave and found the corpses of the men of the Lost Division, gnawed to the bone, even older than humanity. The soldiers conclude that this man-eating giant has been living in this cave for a long time, devouring anyone who passes by.
  • As for the giant's body, it weighed at least 500 kilograms and was flown to the local military base. The military loaded her onto a Chinook helicopter, which transferred her to a transport plane, where she was never seen again!!!!!!

Strange right……

  • The troops were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements so the government could silence them all.
  • But eventually, the soldiers broke their silence because, as one of the men said later, "people have a right to know the truth."

The secret of spreading the story of the Kandahar giant:

Kandahar Desert, Afghanistan 

  • The question now is if the soldiers had signed confidentiality agreements and the body of the giant disappeared, how did the story of the Kandahar giant spread to such a large extent?
  • Well, the answer lies in a video that went viral in 2016 on the YouTube channel of writer and filmmaker L.A. Marzulli.
  • This writer is known for linking all understandable and incomprehensible contemporary events to the predictions of the Bible, whether from ancient or modern books.
  • The video, which was published on August 13, 2016, within the watchers series shown on the channel, caused a sensation and was re-published and circulated on more than one channel and social media.
  • In this video, the person who told the story, or rather revealed this dangerous secret, as he called it, only mentioned that he was one of the soldiers who attended the battle with the Kandahar giant.
  • He preferred to be referred to as Master K only of course his face was blurred and the time and place where L.A. Marzulli hosted his mystery guest were not mentioned perhaps due to the agreement the Special Squad signed earlier.
  • The story I mentioned earlier is exactly what Master K mentioned in his interview with L.A. Marzulli without even mentioning the exact location of the incident and just saying that it is an isolated location in Afghanistan.

Is the Kandahar Giant mentioned in the Bible?

  • Here L. A. Marzulli intervened and stated that this creature is one of the creatures mentioned in the books of the Bible as Nephilim, meaning the fallen Titans, according to the closest translation of their name.
  • Even in Arabized versions of the Bible, they are often called Nephilim, and they are mentioned in the Book of Genesis and other books.
  • These creatures are the product of the mating of the sons of gods and the daughters of Adam.
  • These creatures are giants who are distinguished by their extraordinary magnitude and extraordinary strength as well.
  • These giants, according to L. A. Marzulli, inhabited the Middle East before and after Noah's flood, and he was among the only survivors who survived the flood without boarding the ark.
  • Giants from time immemorial and exciting secrets will of course be a great source of content for supporters and opponents alike.

What is the truth about the Kandahar Giant?

  • Let's start with biblical studies specialists who, in turn, assert that the stories of the Nephilim are just a metaphor and were mentioned in the Bible and are not based on the existence of 15-foot giants that inhabit the desert.
  • As for the official authorities, with the spread of the story of the giant of Kandahar and its taking on many dimensions, it was necessary to move, and this is what happened.
  • Specifically, through the famous SNOPES website, which specializes in uncovering facts and investigating everything that is incomprehensible, which was the friendship in resolving the controversy.
  • The site's curators went directly to the US Department of Defense to inquire about the strange incident.
  • A spokesperson for the US Department of Defense gave the decisive answer and said there is no report or information that a member of the special force was killed by a giant in Kandahar.
  • Department of Defense records show that there was indeed a soldier named Dan who was killed in Kandahar in 2002 and whose full name was Daniel Romero.
  • However, Dan was not killed by a giant, but in a bomb explosion that killed him and three of his companions.
  • Also, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense indicated that there are cases of the disappearance of American soldiers and their killing at the gates of caves and caverns, indicating that the perpetrator.
  • They are known, and they are, according to him, the well-known Taliban, that they take refuge in the mountains and isolated caves in particular.

At The End :

As we see this story can be just a lying or a myth but the big question if it’s like why they tried to hide it or there was part of this story was true because won’t be the first time who talk about a giant human or what Hitler was search around the world and he was so sure about this creatures and wanted to control them.

Many questions without any answers just evidence and small points from the truth maybe one day we will know the truth and maybe not who knows?

Hope my friends tell me your opinion in a comment

Best Wishes For The Next Topic 

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