Night Inside The Cemetery ( Real Events ) Part 2

A cemetery it’s a mysterious place where the end of everyone’s story and no one knows what happened there so it is hidden for us to know the truth in the cemetery we have people we love people we miss and neither people we don’t know or some we were hate but now after death they all there facing the same end so today our topic will be a little different because It’s the memory of whom we lost from our  families and lovers Rest in Peace to all of them,

It will be from personal experiments for me and my family members, so I hope you like this article and enjoy it but don’t be scared.

So shall we start our article today? Are you ready?????

Let’s Go………

The First Story :

  • On a winter cold night in 2019, after all the people were at their homes and sleeping exactly at 1 am, Three young guys were playing near the cemetery and while they were running and making noises singing and joking suddenly they heard strange voices coming from the cemetery as if a monster made it but they didn’t focus but after that near them on the cemetery wall started a fire without any reason they got scared and became little bit far was going to call firemen but as a fire started its vanished without any black spot as like there was nothing happened.

  • No Ash or anything proof that there was a fire in this place!!!!!!

Strange Right………..

  • They thought it was the end but after some minutes they made another noise but what happened made them run away without back to this place!!!!
  • After they were making these noises start a new fire but a tall one like a tall man and this fire started to move to their spot slowly like someone walking but in the fire, so they run away and got scared but while they were looking behind to see this thing there or not was vanished as like other fire without any proof!!!!

What do you think they were looking for?

Scary Moment right??????

The Second Story :

  • On school days in winter on a very cold night in 1999, 5 friends were walking together back to their homes at 9 pm they passed next to the cemetery and while they were passing there was something was thrown at them.
  • Small rocks were thrown at them!!!!!!

( It's not the first story about this someone had small rocks thrown at him without seeing anyone in place)

  • they looked back but didn’t find something so they didn’t focus but it happened again with something else!!!!!
  • after it, they heard a strong scream as if it was out of demons, not humans so they ran away and while they were running saw something like a human but something else with red fire eyes standing near the wall that they were walking beside it!!!!!!

Scary right………

  • When appeared and when vanished they didn’t know when or how!!!!!!

What do you think my friends, what they saw?

In the two stories, do you think they meet something or they imagined this from fear of these creatures or something is trying to tell them with its way, go away from this place?

At The End :

As we know the cemetery is the land of all mysteries story and signs so what do you think to happen there some paranormal scientists say this land is not the right place to be at night because it is their land or other things’ land so for my opinion yes I agree with that jinn demons and devils even other night creature who hunting and eat dead bodies they are at night so super sure not right place to be in it at night, and this not the only stories sure will be others articles talk about more stuff so keep support me and follow my topics.

Sure I’m waiting for your comments my friends to tell me your opinion I will be glad about that too, and sure if have any story or something want to know about it, can tell me too.

Best Wishes For The Next Topic


  1. Anonymous1/12/2023

    شكرا على المقالات الشيقه والمعرفة ربنا يوفقك

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