Who is The Grey Aliens And Are They Real

 Many witnesses saw these beings, some of whom returned to tell us their terrifying stories and confirm their existence and some of them disappeared forever without any trace.

Mysterious, mythical beings live among us, but we do not see them. Some live in the ground and others in space, or as they say.

Strangely, allegations of a secret agreement between these beings and major powers, this agreement were violated by these beings, and a war broke out that we do not know about, and the debate remains, are they real?

Let’s Go………….

The Grey Aliens:

  • Is there anyone who shares this vast universe with us, or are we alone in a boundless space? This a question that has occupied humanity from ancient times to this day, and the answer will remain a mystery for many more years for more than one reason.
  • The most prominent of which, according to those who claim to have communicated with other beings, is that some strive to keep this matter a secret, hidden to the point of killing, is this true? nobody knows

So who are they and what is their story?

  • According to the description of some people, grays are gray creatures, hence their name, and they are human-like beings but their bodies are very small, and they lack a nose, ear, and sexual organs, and they have a small chest and do not have muscular structures, and their limbs are relatively different from those of humans, and the head of grays is infinitely large It is proportional to the size of the body, and they may have large, transparent eyes. As claimed by those who saw them and were kidnapped by them, they were called gray because their color is gray most of the time, and those who saw them claimed that their color changes to yellow in only one case, which is hunger.
  • Grays do not eat food like us, as they have a certain way of absorbing nutrients and excreting waste through the skin. It is said that grays are rational beings like humans, but they are not human, as they lack personal feelings.

Origin of the Grays:

  • On June 24, 1947, civilian pilot Kenneth Arnold reported seeing nine objects, glowing blue and white, flying in a "V" formation over Mount Rainier in Washington state. ', which became the origin of the later common term 'flying saucer' and is the first occurrence of this name but not the last.
  • During the early 1980s, the Grays were linked to the alleged UFO landings in 1947, and several pamphlets were published containing statements from individuals who claimed to have seen the U.S. military deal with several unusually bald, child-sized beings. Individuals, during and after the accident, that the heads of the beings were large in size and had slanting eyes but the features of their faces were few.

Grays are divided into two factions:

  • The first live-in space
  • The second lives in the hollow of the globe

Do you imagine that they live with us on this planet, but we do not see them? Do you think they hear us every moment?

  • In this article, we will discuss the subterranean population of the Greys, as they live with us in the words of those who believe in their existence, and because we are vulnerable to being kidnapped by them for reproduction.

Stories of meeting with these grays and cases of abduction of human beings by grays:

The First Story:

  • An engineer named Philip Schneider was working for the US government on a project to expand the secret Dulce base. As Schneider claimed in a press conference that cost him his life, Dolce Base is a tunnel connecting our world with another integrated world under the surface of the earth.
  • Expansion of the base revealed pre-dug caves and tunnels containing strange devices, and the big surprise was contact with strange creatures that Schneider had not seen before. Naturally, he felt danger, and as an instinctive response, he shot two of them and ignited a confrontation in which dozens of victims were killed, and he was seriously wounded in the chest. As he put it, only three people from Schneider's team survived, while only four were killed.
  • Schneider says that the weapons of the creatures were strange, and the most strange thing is that their bullets could not reach them, as if there was a shield or an advanced protection device that prevented that, and now the shocking part of the story.
  • The United States of America, according to Schneider, is aware of the existence of these organisms and is in constant contact with them, to the extent that in 1954 it concluded an agreement with them called the Griata Treaty.

The terms of this agreement will shock you more:

  • The treaty stipulates that these beings can obtain gold and other necessary materials from the surface of the earth to sustain them as animals and humans.
  • Animals need them to feed on, and humans to reproduce.
  • The United States set a single condition in this agreement, which is that these organisms provide it with the names of the people who have been chosen for reproduction, or rather for cloning.
  • In return, the United States benefits by providing them with the secrets of many technologies, most of which are employed for military purposes, including the flying saucers’ technology and the quality of their engines.
  • The story did not end here, according to Schneider. The subterranean population of Ramadi began to violate the numbers stipulated in the agreement, and then completely stopped giving out the names of the people on whom experiments are being conducted. This means a breach of the treaty's terms, which the United States considered a declaration of war against it in 1979.

Is what Schneider said true? nobody knows

  • But there is something suspicious, according to scientists, Schneider's statements are just hallucinations in pursuit of fame, but did you know that Schneider disappeared in mysterious circumstances, only to be found later died after his bold statements

Do the authorities want to keep the matter a secret?

  • Regardless of the answer, what is certain is the suspicious statement of his wife, who confirmed that the body that was said to be Schneider's was not his at all, basing her answer on distinguishing marks in Schneider's body, which she did not find on the body that was attributed to him, as Schneider's wife considers that he was kidnapped.

The Second Story:

  • In 1973, Charles Hickson, 42, and Calvin Parker, 19, told the Mississippi Sheriff's Office that they were fishing from a pier on the west bank of the Pascagoula River in Mississippi.
  • When they heard a buzzing sound, they saw two flashing blue lights next to an elliptical object, 30-40 feet wide and 8-10 feet high.
  • Parker and Hickson claimed that they were conscious but paralyzed and that three creatures with slit-like mouths and crab-like pincers took them aboard an oval body and subjected them to examination.

The Third Story:

  • In 1979, It is the story of the kidnapping of Robert Taylor in Scotland. Taylor returned one day to his home with disheveled hair, torn clothes, and suffering from scratches in parts of his body. He claimed that a space plane tried to kidnap him but failed.
  • When he remembers the matter, he says that he saw a satellite dish hovering in the forest in which he works, that he smelled a fire smell similar to the smell of brakes, and that he entered into a short coma. Later on, he finds that the flying saucer has disappeared. When he tried to drive home, his hands and feet were shaking, so he could not operate. And driving the car, he returned home on foot.
  • Taylor's story was supported by some and doubted by others, especially scientists. Some considered that Taylor had an epileptic seizure, which caused some hallucinations, while others considered that he might have suffered a stroke and that his story is nothing but a figment of the imagination. No one knows the truth yet.

At The End About Abduction:

  • During the second half of the twentieth century, many people claimed that they had been kidnapped by the Grays, and reports indicate that of the alleged kidnappings by the Grays, about 50 percent occurred in Australia, 73 percent in the United States, and 48 percent in continental Europe, and about 12 percent in the United Kingdom, and these claims include a different description of the shape of grays, as there are clear differences in describing their lengths, but what they have in common is the description of wide eyes.
  • Neuroscientist Stephen Novella has said of those claims that gray aliens are a by-product of the human imagination, with the distinctive features of grays representing everything that modern humans have traditionally associated with intelligence in the unconscious.
  • One of the most famous cases of an allegation of human beings being kidnapped by the Grays was the case of Betty and Barney Hill, who claimed that one September night in 1961, they were driving on a winding, empty country road in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and for miles they saw no other car on the road. way, and suddenly a strange light in the sky seemed to be following them.

  • And when they finally got home to Portsmouth at dawn, they were uncomfortable, and they found their clothes full of filth and their clocks stopped working, Barney's shoes were oddly tattered and Betty's dress was torn, and there had been two hours of driving that neither of them could remember or what had happened to them and how they had gotten there.
  • Barney and Betty undergo psychotherapy and during the sessions, they talk to the doctor about gray creatures with big eyes that lead them to a flying vehicle.
  • The story of Betty and Barney was subjected to becoming part of a secret project of the US government called Project Blue Book, whose main goal was to research claims of seeing UFOs and the abduction of human beings by grays, and this program was started in 1952, but after investigating more than 12 thousand allegations Abduction by aliens or seeing flying saucers. All reports concluded that these claims came as a result of confusion between the claims' claims and seeing ordinary space objects such as meteors, meteorites, and stars, and the Blue Book project was completely terminated in 1969.


At The End:

  • What is suspicious is a detail mentioned by those who believe in the existence of the Grays, which is the existence of 6 gates on the surface of the earth that lead to the world of the earth's core.
  • According to Schneider, they are located in:
  • Siberia - Mexico - Earth's North Pole (Arctic) - Earth's South Pole (Antarctic).
  • Since we wanted to deal with the subject from a scientific and religious point of view, all these stories are based on the narrations that we mentioned, the most prominent of which is the story of Philip Schneider, who is considered a source of confidence for many because he held great positions during those missions, but until now there is no physical or tangible evidence that what happened These people relate to reality or that the gray ones exist.

  • Therefore, the opinion of knowledge is clear in the negative, and the biggest secret and the real mystery about the world of the Earth's core and aliens remains a site of unresolved controversy, or who knows, it has been resolved in the secret American Area 51 without us knowing!!!!!!!!
  • This story is about these strange beings and we have no information that enables us to believe in their real existence, but did you know that Adolf Hitler was a firm believer in this theory to the extent that it is said that he fled to the polar lands to live in a highly developed world? Nobody knows where the truth is.

So my friends what do you think and what are your opinions about this, sure I’m waiting for your comments about this.

Best Wishes For The Next Topic.


  1. Lamiya1/10/2023

    I think the reason why we don't see aliens in their normal format is because they are mutating into other forms of life.

    1. Or they just living undercover because humans not ready yet to meet with them

    2. Or what you think, how many kinds from aliens humans deal with them in history, and are they all aliens or they was creatures living with us on earth but we didn't discover them yet, Thanks for your comment Lamiya

    3. Lamiya1/12/2023

      I have no idea about this, if you know the answer to this question, you can share it in your new post.☺️

    4. I will share more about this don't worry, all answers you will find in my articles

  2. Anonymous1/11/2023

    Thank you for your new post 😉

    1. You are welcome, Thanks for your comment

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