Spontaneous Human Combustion

Welcome my friends if we talk about fire sure we will say must have something to make it or it happened from some stuff put together to make fire like in science but have you ever heard about people who just burn without any reason just fire starts in their bodies without something made it!!!!!!!!!!!

In this article, we will talk about Spontaneous human combustion, or SHC as scientists call and see what this phenomenon is and whether it is any explanation or not.

So keep focus and let’s go deeper into this article.

Are you ready????????

Let’s Go……….

What is Spontaneous human combustion :

  • It is the occurrence of a fire that spontaneously breaks out in a person’s body without any known or specific external cause. This ignition may result in some minor burns on the skin, smoke, or complete combustion of the body, leaving only ashes, but what is surprising to the extreme is the combustion of the body and its transformation into Ashes without the fire even touching his clothes or anything around him, and this happens in a few seconds without leaving us enough time to understand what is happening, and the combustion temperature may reach 1500 degrees, according to investigations.
  • Over 300 years, more than 250 self-combustion incidents have been recorded. Of course, it is not known when exactly the phenomenon began, but we are talking about the date of the first documented case of self-combustion.

Cases of combustion throughout history recorded :

  • In 1637, the French (Jonas Dupont) published a book that included a study on this strange phenomenon. He talked about the incident of Mrs. (Nicole Millet), who was from Paris and was an alcoholic when she was found on her bed, and nothing remained of her body except the skull, a bone from the finger bones, and a handful of ashes, The strange thing here is that the bed sheet was not touched, and of course, the finger of blame was pointed at her husband before the court later acquitted him and recorded the incident against an unknown person.
  • In 1919, the body of the well-known English author (Temple Thompson) was found, and his entire lower half was burnt, without touching his clothes.
  • The incident of Mrs. (Grace Pitt), an English woman who was using an alcoholic as well, where her daughter found her ashes without affecting her clothes at all.
  • In 1938, Mrs. (Mary Carpenter) burned in a few seconds during a picnic with her family in a boat, and the efforts of her husband and children to extinguish the fire with sea water failed, Only her wet clothes remained without the slightest trace of the fire, even if simple!!!.

  • On July 2, 1951, the remains of the 67-year-old Mary Hardy Reeser were found in her chair in her apartment in (Florida). The contents of the apartment or even the wooden chair and its leather lining, and forensic medicine spoke of a temperature exceeding 3000 degrees Celsius!!!
  • On May 18, 1958, the remains of Anna Martin's body were found in the state of (Pennsylvania). It consisted of part of her torso, her shoes, and a handful of ashes. Her clothes remained intact, although the forensic medicine spoke again of a temperature between 1700 to 2000 C.

  • In 1966, the body of 92-year-old Dr. (John Irving Bentley) was found burnt in the bathroom of his apartment, leaving only part of his leg separated from his body, and the bathroom curtains or wall paint were not affected.
  • On August 26, 1974, the ashes of the child (Lisa) were found in a hospital (Birmingham) in England, and they were also burned for no known reason, without prejudice to her bed or clothes.
  • As for the most famous incidents witnessed by a large crowd of people, including the renowned American physicist (Hartwell), who stood unable to explain what was happening, the legs and torso of a woman in Massachusetts caught fire, Then it charred in front of everyone's eyes in a matter of seconds.

  • In the year 1938, while the girl (Phyllis Newcomb) was leaving a hotel with her friends, a sudden fire engulfed her, which came upon her in seconds without those present being able to extinguish the fire that seemed to emanate from within her own body!!, The investigator's papers stated: (I have never seen anything like this in my life, as the girl was burned by a blue fire of unknown origin).
  • in 1980, Henry Thomas, a 73-year-old man was found cremated in the living room of his home council in Raso State, Ippo Vale, South Wales. He was completely cremated, leaving only his skull and part of each leg below the knee. Feet and legs still in stockings and pants. Half of the chair he was sitting on was also destroyed. Police and forensic officers determined that Thomas' burning was due to the effect of the wick. He ruled out his death by "death by burning," as he had inhaled the products of his combustion.
  • In December 2010, Michael Feherty's death in County Galway, Ireland, was recorded as "spontaneous combustion" by the coroner Ciaran McLoughlin, and this statement was issued at the inquest: "This fire was thoroughly investigated and I am left with the conclusion that this hurt In the category of spontaneous human combustion, for which there is no adequate explanation.

But hey, here comes a very important question!

Are all those who were caught by the fire burnt to char, or are there survivors?

The answer is yes, there were survivors of that horrible fate:

  • In September 1985, Debbie Clark was walking in the hallway of her house when she felt a blue light emanating from her and flashing intermittently every time she took two steps, Her mother says: When I saw her, she started screaming violently, asking her to take off her shoes, while her brother came running, and we carried her to the bathroom, where we doused her with water, The atmosphere was charged with electricity and blue flames emitting from her but she was laughing!!!

  • In the winter of 1990 in England, Suzanne Muched was standing in her kitchen in her fireproof pajamas when she suddenly caught fire and then went out in a matter of seconds before she could even take off her clothes or scream for help.
  • In addition, (Jack Angel) claims that he was subjected to a self-combustion accident, from which he survived, but without witnesses. Also, many people claim that they woke up in the morning to find burn marks on their faces and stomachs for no apparent reason.

But what is the scientific explanation for this?

  • Religious interpretation: In the Middle Ages, the church claimed that cases of self-combustion occurred to people who had reached the limit of their sins, so they deserved God's punishment with fire and annihilation, while some priests claimed that it was the result of meteors falling from the sky from the work of the jinn and demons.
  • Alcoholism: This belief spread among people since most cases of combustion were caused by alcoholics excessively since alcohol is a highly flammable substance. However, recent experiments have shown that even objects completely saturated with alcohol will not ignite in this way.

  • Fat stored in the body: This belief was true because most of the cases were among obese people, where in certain circumstances those fats burn, and the whole body burns, but it neglected the occurrence of the phenomenon in thin people. 
  • Electrostatics: Electric fields within the human body that come into contact at a specific moment (short circuit) in a strange way, as happens in nuclear reactions, which produce huge heat in a short time, but no form of static electricity discharge has been known so far that can lead to To char the bones, even if it was a thunderbolt from the sky, as well as not to touch everything that surrounds the burnt person or even his clothes.

  • The hypothesis of matter meeting its opposites: It is known that every material particle has its opposite and for more simplification, such as the phenomenon of positively charged protons meeting with neutrally charged neutrons and negatively charged electrons in an atomic interaction. This happens inside the human body and results in huge amounts of energy sufficient To turn a person into ashes in a few seconds, and some attribute it to the occurrence of chemical reactions of an explosive nature inside the human digestive system as a result of malnutrition, which is the most acceptable explanation despite its inadequacy, but it explained the three properties of that phenomenon: strength, suddenness, and limitation.

In the end, this phenomenon was and still is the source of mystery for many incidents around the world, which have no logical scientific explanation to this day.

But from another perspective, what is happening to these victims and why?

Lots of questions do not have answers.

So what do you think my friend In my opinion many things in this world happen without reason or evidence but can be paranormal something or normal things so I hope you tell me your opinion too.

Best Wishes For The Next Topic.






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