The dog-headed humans


Dog headed man 

The Big Animal Life

We have heard a lot about strange creatures in our world, and at first, I thought they were just stories, but there is a rule that every myth has an origin in history.

Every myth always has a clue or origin in history this is what science shows us now and like we believe that we are not alone in universal sure there are other many strange creatures in our world we don't know about it anything.

Welcome to the next story from the same Book ( The Big Animal Life by Muhammed Damiri Who dead in 808:1408 ).

Today we will dive into the same book for a new story who have a little bit connected to ancient Egyptian mythology so what do you think!!!!!!!!

Have you ever heard about dog-headed men? 

Scary right or think it's a strange story but let us start and see which places on earth said something near this myth and what Arab travelers said about this myth and how many times they mention this in the stories.

In the beginning, we will start with Aztecs in Mexico :

  • Yes this big ancient civilization, The Aztecs in Mexico believed absolutely in their existence, they claimed that they were monsters that kill hunters, and they believed that these creatures called ( Nagual ) steal cheese and rape women, but they do not kill anyone unless they are exposed to them. These creatures are in fact human magicians who can disguise themselves in various shapes and forms. These legends still resonate to this day in some remote areas of Mexico, where people believe that the gulls are people who can transform into animal forms during the night and use this ability to commit crimes, theft, and rape, almost the same idea of ​​the werewolf in European folklore.

The second myth came from Indigenous peoples of the Americas ( Red Indians ) : 

  • Yes, the native Americans have kind of this myth they believed that there are Mutated creatures another example in the myths of the folklore of the Navajo tribes in the United States, where there is the legend of the skinwalker, which talks about evil wizards of men and women who can transform and move in the form of animals, and the magician is not able to Obtain this supernatural ability is only by committing a heinous evil act that destroys the human side of his personality and only remains on the animal side, such as killing his family members, raping them, or having sex with dead bodies in cemeteries ( necrophilia ).
  • So we see how many places have talked about this in our Arabic world so if there is any clue in the Arabic world about whether this myth if it is true or not let's show you if it's true or not next.

Arab Ancient Geographer papers : 

The Big Animal Life

  • Apart from the Two Americas, There are many references to the existence of these strange nations in the books of Arab and Muslim travelers and geographers.
  • In the book “ The Big Animal Life “ by ( Muhammad al-Damiri)  he spoke in the chapter - the seas - especially the “ Indian Sea ”  in the islands of this sea.

  • He said that the companions of ( Dhul-Qarnayn (a great king) ) saw in some islands a nation with their heads like dogs and their fangs coming out of their mouths, they went out to the boats and fought them, and they saw a distant light Shining, then it was a palace made of crystal from which this nation came from it, so ( Dhul-Qarnayn ) wanted to descend upon them and enter the palace, but (Bahram ) The philosopher, prevented him and said: Whoever descended into this palace is overpowered by sleep and faints and cannot go out, so this nation will win him over.

  •  The geographer Sheikh, the Ottoman scholar ( Muhyi al-Din Ibn Muhammad al-Rayyes ) who died in 962 AH, mentioned in his maps that in South America: “Nations of people have their faces in their chests and they have no heads, and the length of one of them is seven hands pans and an inch between his eyes and they are harmless, and other nations have the faces of foxes. and dogs ).

The Same Book Above

  • And the scholar ( Zakaria al-Qazwini ) said in his Book  “The Wonders of Creatures and the Strangeness of Beings” in the section – Nations of strange shapes – he said of them – a nation (Minsk) and they are in the direction of the east. A nation in the islands of the sea, their faces are like the faces of dogs and the rest of their bodies are like the bodies of people being nourished by the fruits of trees, and if they find anything of the animals they eat - and from them - a nation that has no head for their bodies, and their mouths and eyes are on their chests.

  • And there is another mention in the book (The Greatness) by ( Abdullah bin Muhammad Al-Asbahani ) news about these nations, where he said with a long chain of transmission, quoting a man from the people of Rome: In a boat, the wind sent us to an island, and we could not leave, so there came to us a people whose faces were the faces of dogs, and the rest of their creation resembled the creation of people. And the people drove! So we entered a house, and there was a person in it who had been afflicted with the same affliction as us, and he began to bring us food and fruits, and that person said to me: He only feeds you this food, so whoever of you who is fat will eat it! Look at yourself, and so did my companions. Every one of my companions who were fat went with it and ate it until I and that man stayed, and a festival came for them, and the man said to me: Bring them a festival that they all go out to, and they stay three, and if you escape, then go, as for me, my feet have gone, and I know that they are the quickest thing to seek. And the most intense inhalation of the smell, and I know the trail of a man, except for those who entered under such-and-such a tree, and the tree abounds in their countries. A jar, and on the third day, they came like dogs cutting my track, and they passed by that tree while I was in it, and the trail was cut off from them, so they came back, and when they passed I believed and went out, while I was walking on that island when a large tree was raised for me, so I finished to it, and it was from all Fruit trees, and if under its shade men were like the best picture of men in clubs, so I sat down to a club among them, so I started talking to them, but they did not understand my words, and I did not understand their words, so while I was sitting with them, one of them put his hand on my shoulder, then he was on my neck, then he twisted his legs, Ali, then he got me up, so I made him cringe.. to throw him away, and he scratched my face and started turning me around those fruits, so he picked them up and threw them to his companions, and they laughed! When he became overwhelmed, I picked grapes and cut them, then I brought them to a pit in a rock, and I squeezed them, then I left them until they had grown so much that I planted in them, so he said: What is it? So I said: I drank, and he drank in it and got drunk, so his legs loosened, so I threw him, and went out until I was pushed into the city. , When they entered me, I broke it, and they neglected me, so I lived in them. Then if they were preparing to fight, I said to them: What is this? They said: An enemy is coming to us, so we did not soon get out of bed, and then most of them were naked, so I took a stick, and I tightened it, and it flew and left them, so they honored me and glorified me, so I missed the women, and they said: We will marry you! Whenever they married me to a woman, I led her to kill her! They said: Stay with us and don't mind killing them! So I went to two trunks and prepared them, and took ropes from the bark of trees, then tied the two trunks, and put food and water in them, and I got on and was satisfied with the rest of the clothes with me, so the wind threw me to you..!! These scars are from what I told you).
  • This island was also mentioned by ( Ibn al-Wardi ) in the book  “Khuridat al-Ajaa’ib and Farida al-Ghareeb”  and he said what ( Al-Asbahani ) said about it in some (Ottoman documents) indicates the existence of these nations. ( Ibn Iyas al-Hanafi ) also mentioned in “Badaa’ al-Zuhur “ A story about the nations that reside in the sixth land below us, so he mentioned among them a nation that has human bodies and the heads of dogs. 

The ancient world  : 

Anubis The God of The Dead

  • The Ancient Egyptians in the north of Africa knew many legends about human beings with dog heads, and it is most likely that most of these legends derive from the forms of ancient Egyptians, especially ( Anubis ) the god of the dead who is embodied in the form of a human with the head of a jackal, as well as ( Habi ), who is one of the four sons of ( Horus ) Who guard the throne of ( Osiris ) in the underworld, which appears in the form of a human with the head of a baboon, which is similar to a dog of course. Inspired by these ancient Egyptian myths, the myth of tyrannical humans (Cynocephaly) emerged. The ancient Greek sources mentioned that these people are savage peoples who live in India and settle in high mountains, and they say that these peoples or tribes communicated with each other by barking and subsisting on hunting. As the famous historian Herodotus, he mentioned that they are among the peoples that inhabited the eastern part of ancient Libya, and we have discussed this above. 

Christian History :

The Lord Christ 
and Cannibals

The Saint 

  • Many people in ancient times believed that these creatures really existed, rather they were real in their eyes to the extent that a long debate erupted about whether they were descendants of Adam and Eve or not. They were believed to be supernatural and evil creatures. Some ancient religious texts stated that they were a savage living in the city of (cannibals), that the Lord sent messengers to them, and that they entered Christianity and renounced their previous evil deeds. In the same regard, we find some Orthodox Christian drawings depicting Saint Christopher in the form of a human with the head of a dog. Some ancient manuscripts mentioned that ( Saint Christopher ) was at first a savage man with a dog’s head living in the land of ( Canaan ) eating human flesh and barking like dogs,  but he regretted his actions and repented after meeting the ( Lord Christ ) and he was rewarded for that by returning to human nature and his head became like the rest of the people. 
  • Of course, this is only one of the many narrations about the life of ( Saint Christopher ) The most famous novel is that he was a normal human being from the people of ( Canaan ) but he was a huge body and a frightening face.  

The other story from early European  : 

  • The belief in the existence of human dogs continued during the Middle Ages in Europe, and perhaps the legend of the wolf man (Werewolf) was originally derived from the legend of the dog man.
  • Early European travelers such as Giovanni and ( Marco polo ) also told stories about dog men. Giovanni said that the Mughal Emperor ( Oktay Khan ) fought savage people with the heads of dogs in the North Sea. ( Marco polo)  mentioned that there is an island near China inhabited by barbarians whose bodies are huge and whose heads are like the heads of dogs. 

Dog headed Men

At The End :

The Earth always will surprise us with what it has and we will never be able to guess what we will discover in it. 
So why think this is just a story with all these sights and clues and people who saw and wrote in Ancient Books or They were kind of civilizations and nations who were living on the earth. 
Why do many stories tell that look but in different ways ??? 
Many questions will never imagine answered but if you search sure will find many interesting things to read. 

That is it t you think and what you will reach when readers tell me in the comments
what I told you was just a small part of the stories 

                                                                                                          Best wishes for the next topic 

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