Richard Byrd and His Journey To The Center Of The Earth (From Secret Diary)


One of the strangest stories you will ever read because it will show you a hidden world on earth we never know about anything or we never heard about before so if you think we are alone on this earth let me tell you think again.

Admiral  Richard Byrd and his Strange travel with strange events so what he saw and what he told us about his trip and why his Diaries were hidden all this will show all in this article.

Are you ready to travel together to the center of the earth?

Let’s Go………………

The Main Character Admiral Richard Byrd:

  • Richard Evelyn Byrd was an American Commodore, explorer of the Antarctic and Arctic regions, aviator, and navigator who, between 1928 and 1957, did more than any other work in directing exploration operations in the barren frozen continent, of Antarctica. In 1925 Baird commanded the Macmillan Expedition's flight to the North Pole, passing Greenland and Ellesmere Island. On May 9, 1926, Bird and another pilot, Floyd Bennett, became one of the first men to fly to the North Pole.

Admiral Richard Byrd's Secret Diary:

  • Have you ever heard of the hollow earth, my friend? What is meant by hollow earth is a theory built on some evidence, by which it is meant that the globe in which we live contains another small planet inside it and that it is hollow from the north and south. there are two gates - two holes - in the frozen south pole and the north pole, and it has a central sun inside it.
  • But what is the contact between hollow earth and this admiral Richard Byrd don’t hurry up I will show you all information I have as usual.
  • the story started when his daughter finds his diary and took the decision after asking him to publish it but what is special about this diary?
  • Richard says: I have to write this note completely confidential and I don't know whether my words will come out to the light and the whole world or not.. because of the scientific blackout greed of selfish humans. but I must do my duty. Bird wrote in his memoirs that he entered the Arctic gap, where he flew seventeen miles with others, between plains and mountains, rivers and oceans, passing places where only wild and aquatic animals live.
  • Richard said: that he saw huge animals similar to the huge "mammoth elephants" that lived in ancient times, and highly developed cities with a high temperature estimated at "74 Fahrenheit",

  • Bird mentioned that he saw mountains that he had not seen in his life and a small river flowing from the middle of the mountains and dense forest trees on the mountain slopes.
  • Richard completed his story by descending from that land with his team and meeting the King and Queen of Agharta, which is one of the cities of the Earth's hollow, but they were not allowed to enter the city for some reason!
  • Where he began to tell the story that he saw a flying saucer that took control of his plane, as they led him to a city he had not seen in its beauty. And he met with one of the heads of the underground world, where he conveyed a message to the Americans. The king and queen told him how concerned they were for the planet! And about the nuclear bombs launched by humans and the US government, such as the Hiroshima bomb, and that they constitute a serious threat to the planet, his journey ended after the inhabitants of Agharta guided him on the way back.

The text of the notes was as follows (From The Diary):

  • At 6:00: everyone is ready to start the journey toward the North Pole, and we are now in the air with our fuel tanks full and in good condition. The transmitter connected to the base is working fine and normally.
  • It's 9:10: Our magnetic and gyroscopic compass wobbles and oscillates and does not calm down, and we are unable to communicate with the base with devices. Everything seems to be fine with our plane, but there is a slump in the connection to the base. We have lost contact with al-Qaeda. It seems that we see mountains
  • We have now traveled 25 minutes of our journey, and we see a series of mountains. It is not an illusion. It consists of a small group of mountains that I have never seen in my life. We are still walking in the best possible way and passing through good weather. Strangely, we see a mountain range it seems. This is not possible. It is not normal. There should not be forests here. This is not possible..!! This is weird!!
  • Frozen mountains and snow should only exist. I see a small river or stream flowing from the middle of the mountains, and I see dense forest trees on the mountain slopes. We should only fly over ice and snow. I can't believe it. Our navigation devices and compasses are still swinging back and forth.
  • Time 10:05: Our height is now 1400 feet. We see weeds of algae with some other plants and cohesive trees, and we notice that the light here seems different and strange, and we cannot see the sun!!

  • We are now seeing an elephant!! No, it's an animal that looks like an elephant. This is incredible!! I dropped the plane 100 feet to see it with binoculars. I can't see it well because of the distance between us. He sure looks like an elephant.
  • We come across beautiful green hills, the outside temperature is 74 Fahrenheit, and our navigational devices are back to work and they are working normally. I am confused. I am now trying to contact the base, but I failed. The transmitter is now not working.
  • It seems that our plane has become very light and it is strange that the plane's controls refuse to respond now that we see something. It is a city port. Yes yes, it is a city that is impossible.
  • Gosh? Is it a city? We are now seeing a UFO approaching our plane near the right wing of the plane!!

  • It's a strange plane of the type I've never seen! It is in the shape of a round disk and has strange radiation. It is now very close to us. Where are we? Where are we ???
  • where am I? What happened? We can't contact Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda is not responding to us. I'm in the grip of some kind of creature!! It's like we're suspended in the air!!
  • Now my plane's transmitter is on and we hear a rattle on the transmitter. He's a man who speaks English and says, "Hi, Admiral. You're in good hands. Don't be afraid. Sit back and relax. We'll land you on the ground in exactly seven minutes." I also noticed that our plane's engines stopped working!!
  • We received another message from them via the transmitter saying (we will now start descending to Earth). And I tremble with fear. In moments, our plane began to descend straight from top to bottom, as if it were inside a largely invisible elevator. And when we touched the ground, our plane shook slightly!!

  • Many tall men approached our plane! In the distance, I saw a beautiful big city with a rainbow of lights flashing. And I don't know what will happen to me now from these men.. but I don't see any signs of weapons on them. And I see them now approaching us!!
  • I listen because the voice of one of them calls me by my name and commands me to open the door!! And my joints tremble at what I see in fear and fear of them!! I opened the door and went down to them.
  • When I got off the plane, they welcomed me and met me in a friendly way. And ride me on a platform that has wheels and it moves at a very fast speed heading to the city!! As we approached the city. I looked at it and it seemed to me that the city was built of crystal. Soon we came to a building the like of which I had never seen before in my whole life. It seems to me from its beauty, splendor, and good construction, as if it were designed by Frank Lloyd or Opaque Rogues.
  • Then I entered the lobby and they offered me a delicious hot drink I had never tasted. Ten minutes after I sat down, two handsome-looking people appeared to me. They offered me to go with them. I accompanied them, so I had no choice but to obey them. We walked a short distance and entered what appeared to me to be an elevator. We went downstairs, the elevator stopped, and the elevator door rose to the top silently and quietly. And I had to proceed down a long corridor and be faithful to the halls!! The corridors are illuminated with beautiful pink light, and its light emanates from the walls as if the walls were lighting themselves.

  • It was a sight like a verse of beauty. I walked forward until I stood in front of a large door, above the door was engraved writing that I could not read, so the door opened without sound or noise.
  • When the door opened, I saw a hall of the most beautiful things my eyes had ever seen, for it was colored with beautiful, wonderful, indescribable colors, coordinated with precision, the like of which I had not seen, and it seemed as if it filled the hall, there is no other like it at all. When I was contemplating this beauty, I heard a voice from the end of the hall, and I saw a man with signs of the length of the years engraved on his face, sitting at a long table, so he warmly welcomed me while he was sitting.

  • He motioned for me to sit on one of the benches while looking at me with a calm, beautiful smile while clasping his fingers. He welcomed me and spoke to me calmly and stoically, and said:
  • We let you enter our world because you are a noble person known on the surface of the world.
  • I looked at him in amazement and said: The surface of the world?
  • He said: Yes while smiling!!!
  • He said: You are in the world of the inner earth. in the inner world. And we shall not delay you with us for a long time, and we will send you to the surface of the earth in peace. And you will be escorted safely later on. But now I will tell you why you were called here!!!

  • Our interest in your world began after the first nuclear bomb exploded over Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II. And at that time it was very disturbing to us and our world. So we sent our flying machines to the surface of the world to check what you have done in your wars.
  • So I said and interrupted him: Is this what called you to bring me?
  • He said: Of course!! Fear not, my dear Admiral. It's an accident that has passed, but I must go on. We did not interfere in your barbaric wars of ancient times. But now we have to send you this message to the surface of the world in which you live!! The power is not yours!!!!!!!
  • Your country, Admiral, has reached a point of no return. Who knows the atomic bombs that will harm our inner world and the whole earth!! You have been chosen to be the witness that our world exists!! So look around you that we exist in this world as you can see!! We are the first science, culture, and civilization. Our knowledge precedes your knowledge for hundreds of years, and we do not want to destroy the civilization of the Earth because of your private wars.
  • So I interrupted him and said: What do I have to do with that, sir? So he looked at me with a look as if he was entering the hollow of my mind and thinking from his look, and after a few moments.

  • He looked at me and replied:
  • Your atomic wars have reached a point of no return, and your wars may destroy our inner world and the world as a whole. When you struck Japan, we tried to contact you, but our efforts were in vain, and we received nothing but hostility and hatred from you, and our planes and vehicles received nothing from you except fire, hidden hatred, and hostility from your fighter planes, and therefore I say To you, my son, that a black, raging, angry storm is gathering over the world in which you live, and it is coming to you, and it will not go away for many years, and that we will have no answer in arms, and your sciences will not be in your hands, and the wars that you will throw will trample every flower of your cultures, and that the last wars What happened in your world are only the beginning of what has yet to come of wars!! And the earth will become a vast chaos and we see it more than you with each day it becomes clearer!!
  • I said to him: Do you mean we are wrong?
  • He said: Yes, my son, the wars brought us the age of darkness, and because of your wars, the earth will be covered by a dark black cloud, and many of your race will perish. Your treasures, antiquities, and cultures will be in our safe hands and after that time we will come forward again to help you and we will return to you your culture and civilization and I cannot tell you more than this.
  • So I said to him: In conclusion to these words, it seems that our meeting has come to an end, and I stood for a moment as if I was in a dream, but I was aware that it was a real reality!! So I strangely bowed to him, so I don't know if it was respect from me or humility!! Suddenly, I saw the two men who entered the hall next to me, and they signaled to me to leave. Before I left, I turned to their boss and he was looking at me and smiling a nice smile. We quickly went out of the big door, rode the elevator, and climbed, and then we got on our plane and flew in the air. Suddenly I saw the strange plane following us, so it approached and stuck to us and took us very quickly outside!!

At The End:

First, I must say that I don’t say that he said the truth or not but the fact will stay hidden from him at the same time, this story is historically documented and very famous in America, and if he says the truth this will open so many questions about what he saw there and if its truth?

There are other nations had reached so much technology living with us on earth.

and won't hide from you my friends that there are many theories talk about that Hitler's runaway to this land (sure this will be in another article)

Many questions without answers but in my opinion maybe Jules Verne didn’t imagine his novel (A Journey To The Center Of The Earth )

What do you think my friends sure I will wait for your opinions in the comments and if there are any questions or any topic want to know about it please tell me to make it the next post.

Best Wishes For The Next Topic


  1. Anonymous1/16/2023

    شكرا لك على المقالات والثقافيه والمعرفة حقيقة عرفنا مالا كنا نعرفه نرجو المزيد وفقك الله

  2. Anonymous1/16/2023

    شكرا على المقال الشيق والمعلومات القيمه ومعرفة ثقافيه مهمه نرجوا كتابة المزيد ومشاركتها معنا

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