The Hidden History About The Hidden Copper City Stay Focus

Have you ever heard of a hidden city? That is, it exists, but you cannot see it. This article talks about a city where many died at its walls, and inside it are secrets that no one has revealed, and at its outskirts is a jinn whose existence is related to the Prophet of God, “Solomon.” The legend of this strange city is like fairy tales, but the strangest thing is that it was mentioned in reliable books from the Umayyad Caliphate, it is the legendary city of copper.

Atlantis, Asgard, Valhalla, Agartha, and El Dorado...cities, I am confident that you have heard of some of them if not all of them, and the world has been divided between a believer in their existence and a believer that they are a fantasy. The mystery of the existence of these cities or not is the secret behind their fame and everyone flocked to me to discover its truth, and most importantly its wealth and treasures, perhaps most of you know some facts about these cities that I mentioned, but what I am about to share with you in this article is about a famous city, but its details are vague in every sense of the word, and why is it more mysterious than others? Because it is an enchanted city, and the fate of everyone who tried to peek behind its wall was to disappear without any other details (total disappearance), so did those who were sorcerers in this city die? Or do they live in unparalleled bliss?

So are you ready, my friend, to dive into the depths of history to know what is the story of this city?

Let's Go………………

Beginning of the story:

  • The beginning is with the oldest narration about the city of copper, which was mentioned by “Ibn al-Faqih al-Hamdhani” in his book (Book of Countries) he shed light on this city, which he considered one of the wonders of Andalusia, and described it as a city that the seers had not seen like it and the hearers had not heard of its like, according to the narration. Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, who was the fifth of the Umayyad caliphs, was informed of the city of copper one day, and that there are treasures in it that no human has ever seen. He wrote to Musa Ibn Nusayr, an Arab military commander in the era of the Umayyad state, ordering him to march to it and discover its truth and the truth of its treasures.
  • Musa Ibn Nusayr equipped a thousand knights quickly and recommended taking provisions and water sufficient for 4 months, then he set out to find out the truth about this city, and he walked according to the narration for 43 days, and the strangest thing is that in other narrations it is said that he walked for 2 full years, so did Ibn NusayrCopper City”? Yes, he reached it, but unfortunately, he failed to enter it despite his many attempts. According to the book that “Ibn Nusayr” sent to the caliph “Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan,” they could see the city’s luster several days before they reached it, so they were shocked by its view as if it was not built by human hands.

  • After arriving at the city’s walls, they prayed and spent the night, which he described as the most terrifying without mentioning any other details. After that, he sent “Ibn Nusayr” a horseman to go around the city wall to see if there was a door for them to enter through, but he was completely absent for 2 days, and in another narration, he was absent 6 Days and returned on the seventh day to be the shocking result, this huge city has no door, so he ordered “Ibn Nusayr” to collect the luggage of all the knights and stack them some on top of each other so that one of them can climb and see what is behind its wall, but their luggage was not enough, so he decided to make several ladders and connect them with ropes. And here the surprises began. Ibn Nusayr called out to his army, saying: Whoever knows what is in this city has 10,000 coins.
  • So a man from the military came forward and climbed the stairs, 

and you will not believe what happened?

Stay Focused because what you will read will make you socked.

Abd Al-Malik Ibn Marwan

  • When he reached the top of the wall, the man laughed and fell behind the city wall, and when Ibn Nusayr called him to ask him what he thought, he never answered him, so he told his men again that whoever climbed the stairs would also get a cash prize, so another man advanced and climbed the ladder, but his fate was the same as the previous one. So “Ibn Nusayr” tried again, but the result was the same. After that, the men refused to climb, and “Ibn Nusayr” and his soldiers turned back.
  • This is the oldest narration about the city of copper, but other narrations dealt with dubious legends and more details about the journey of “Ibn Nusayr”, according to what was stated in the words of “Abu Hamid Al-Andalusi Al-Gharnati” and his book (Tuhfat El-Albab w Nokhbat El-Aagab). Al-Gharnati says: After several attempts, Ibn Nusayr, who failed to enter the city of copper, tried to dig under its wall, but he collided with the copper base until he reached the groundwater, which thwarted his attempts to dig a trench under the wall, so he made another attempt, which is to climb the wall as we mentioned previously, and “Al-Ghanati” adds a frightening dimension to the story after he The contestant descends into the heart of the city, from which huge voices and terrifying screams resound that last for 3 days and nights, and according to this narration, not only 3 men climbed the city wall, but there was a fourth man, but this time his companions tied a rope around his waist so that he would not fall into the city like those who preceded him Did he succeed in telling “Ibn Nusayr” about what he saw? No, his fate was very tragic. After he reached the edge of the wall, he laughed and descended into the city. When the soldiers dragged him, his body split into two halves. In the lower part, his companions pulled him, his torso, and his head they fell behind the wall, which led to the loudness of terrifying sounds again.

Musa Ibn Nusayr

You may ask, what did the man see behind the fence?

  • According to the narration, he saw 10 charming women, and each one of them seduced him to come down to the city, but despite his feeling that he was deprived of his will, he resisted the women and recited the names of God, which led to their complete disappearance, and the man walked on the edge of the wall until he reached a watchtower and was found inside A copper statue of a knight on his horse written on it: (If you want to open the gate of the city of copper, rub my hands). He rubbed his hands and opened one of the doors.“Ibn Nusayr” entered the city and his army divided into two parts, a part that remained outside to guard and a part that entered with him, and it was the first surprise, They found many corpses in the streets of the city, but their owners were as if they were sleeping, not dead, so “Ibn Nusayr” and his army walked around the city until they found a huge palace that had no equal in terms of architecture, magnitude, and luxury. They entered the palace and could not believe what their eyes fell on it. The palace was full of jewels and treasures. “Ibn Nusayr” kept wandering around the palace and the soldiers took what they desired of treasures until they reached a large room in which they found the second surprise, a very beautiful woman wearing clothes from Silk lying on a bed inside the room, and next to her are two statues holding two copper swords. At first glance, they thought that the lady was alive, as her eyes were open, but in fact, her eyes were removed from their place, and then they were returned to her face again.

  • Above the bed, there was a sign on which it was written: (Take whatever jewelry you want but do not take the jewelry I wear).
  • On the lady’s head was one of the most magnificent crowns, so one of the soldiers tried to take it and the other jewelry she wore, ignoring the warning written on the board. At that moment, the two statues next to her moved and struck his neck, then returned to their previous position. After that, “Ibn Nusayr” went out with his soldiers and marched Towards a tall mountain near the city with many caves, after they reached the mountain they discovered that they were not alone, as the caves were inhabited by people with dark brown skin, “Ibn Nusayr” thought that they were from the jinn,
  • It became clear later that they were human beings and that they were the sons of “Ham bin Noah.” According to the narration, their king descended and spoke with “Ibn Nusayr” to inquire about the reason for their presence in this region. Can this happen and the Prophet did not set foot in this region?
  • So the king revealed the matter to him, saying that near the mountain there is a lake from which a great light emerges from time to time and teaches them how to worship God, and thus they were guided to faith.
  • After they exchanged parties to the conversation, the king learned that they wanted to take several copper flasks found in the lake to take them to the caliph “Abd al-Malik bin Marwan”, so the king ordered some of his men to dive, and extract the flasks, in which it is said that the Prophet “Solomon” imprisoned the jinn in them.

Scary Right ……….

Don’t think it’s the end the adventure hasn’t ended yet stay focused.

jinn lake

  • According to other accounts, after Ibn Nusayr's failed attempts to enter the city, he and his soldiers went to a nearby lake, which they had heard was flooding with enormous treasures, and at the lake, a new adventure began, as when they reached it, they found a man standing on the water, and when asked about his identity, he told them that he was a man. One of the jinns was imprisoned by our master “Solomon”, the prophet from Allah, in this lake, then the man soon disappeared, so what did they find in the lake? The men of “Ibn Nusayr” dived into the lake and found copper flasks sealed with lead. When they were opened, a jinn on a horse with a spear in his hands came out of it and flew in the air saying: O Prophet of God, I will not return. This was repeated 3 times, and then “Ibn Nusayr” decided to throw The bottles in the lake again because he did not want to release a group of jinns that Solomon had imprisoned.
  • This is not all, according to another narration says that “Ibn Nusayr” before his arrival at the lake stopped at a statue of a man with a copper plate written on it: (There is no way behind me, so go back and do not enter this land, or will lose your souls).
  • And here is the strangeness in the story, as the land was wonderful, with many trees and abundant water, so how is it possible that those who trample it perish? But as it is said (not all that glitters is gold), a group of “Ibn Nusayr” soldiers entered the land and what happened to them was very terrifying.
  • The narration says that huge ants like wild beasts jumped on them from among the trees, so they cut those soldiers and their horses into pieces and headed towards the rest of the soldiers who did not trample this land, but they stopped at its borders, specifically at the statue of the man carrying a copper plate and did not cross it.

The most important question: Where is the city of copper located?

Ibn Nusayr Army

We do not know the specific location of the city. It is said that it may be in Morocco somewhere in Africa or even in Spain. What we know about it is what was written in ancient books, where it was said that it was constructed near the Atlantic Ocean.

This takes us to another question: Who built the city of copper?

Jinns Build it

  • There are two narrations related to this point, the first narration: King Dhu al-Qarnayn  (we will talk about him later) built the city of copper in Andalusia and deposited his treasures and talisman therein, that is, its magic so that no one could enter it and obtain his treasures.
  • As for the second narration: it says that the jinn are the sons of the city of copper, and this is down to the desire of the Prophet “Solomon”.

At The End :

This is all the story they told us in Islamic historical books about Arab travelers and as usually say all the technology we have we didn’t discover the real world we live in yet and all the knowledge we have it’s just a small point in the ocean.

So what do you think my friend about this city where is it and why all this mystery about it one day will appear or will stay hidden I hope you tell me your opinion too.

Best Wishes For The Next Topic 

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